One-shot: "I don't want to lose you."

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"Oh come on, Steve. Don't-" Danny began.

But Steve was already running towards the edge of the roof, ready to jump over to the next building in order to catch their suspect.

Danny hated when Steve did stupid dangerous stuff like this. Especially jumping off of or between buildings.

Before Danny could finish his sentence, Steve was already in the air. He made it to the other building, but his landing didn't go as planned.

Danny ran over to the edge and saw Steve lying on his back, clutching his shoulder. The suspect was long gone.

"I hate him," Danny murmured and called an ambulance while running down the stairs. He climbed the fire escape ladder of the building Steve was on.


"Hey Danno," Steve groaned with a weak smile on his face.

"What is the matter with you?" Danny yelled. "You couldn't just take the ladder like a normal human, could you?" He was pacing up and down next to Steve, trying not to kick the next best thing he could find (because that would have been Steve).

"I couldn't let that guy just get away."
Steve carefully sat up, hissing as a sharp pain shot through his shoulder.

"What guy?" Danny looked around. "You mean the guy that, uh, that just... got away?" He pointed his thumb in the general direction the suspect had been running. "Yeah, uh, good job on that, SuperSEAL."

Now Steve got angry as well. "Why can't you just let me do my job, Danny? This is my job, do you understand that?"

"Because I can't let you get hurt again! And again, and again, and again..." Danny sat down on the ground in frustration. "I worry about you. Do you know how many times you almost died?! How many- how many times I almost... lost you?! Because I've lost count!"

Steve looked at him like he was hearing this for the first time. He wasn't. But this time was different. Danny wasn't just worried about Steve getting hurt, he was worried about losing him.

Now - Steve knew how it felt to lose someone. He understood.
"Danny," he began carefully, "you're not going to lose me. I'm not letting that happen. And... I know that's not what it looks like, but I know what I'm doing and I know the risks." He sighed. "Alright?" He asked, giving Danny a smile.

"No. It's not alright." Danny looked Steve in the eyes, piercing him with his gaze. "It's not alright, because- because you're right, it does not look like you're trying to stay alive. Your job is to catch the bad guys. It's not 'catch the bad guys or die trying'. So please, will you do me a favor and take it down a notch?"

Steve looked away, absentmindedly rubbing his injured shoulder. "I guess you're right," he finally said, "I seem to be getting a little too old for some things."

Danny's face lit up a little bit. "Does that mean you're gonna try and be more careful?"

"Not making any promises, but... yeah." Steve chuckled.

"Good, because I meant what I said; I love you and I do not want to lose you," Danny said, waving his finger in front of Steve's face like a warning.

Steve brought his hand up to Danny's face, cupping his cheek and rubbing it with his thumb. "I love you too." He gave Danny's cheek a little pat. "Now let's get off this roof, alright?"


Steve gets hurt and Danny is worried... nothing new but I just love it so much

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