The X Waiting X Hours

91 4 44

(Don't play the song till I say so)     

(Quick Authors note: There will be a little scene in here that someone meant like you will know it when you see it and tell me what you think)

~~Cherrie's Point of View

We all walked into the death room, Why the death room well because someone is going to die in here I just haven't decided who yet . Either Tonpa or Leorio whoever gets on my nerves the quickest. "Angel stop thinking such things neither of them are going to die by your hand" Rin says as we comes out from hood. He has been sleeping there the whole time he is really lazy> 

"B But Rinny I wanted toooo" I whinned

"I don't care Tonpa and Leorio are not going to die my your hand Angel" Rin says in a stern voice.

"I didn't say both of then were going to die I just said one of them would" I clarified after everyone stared at me in confusion.

"Demon if you kill of of them you wouldn't be able to go back home without Mito-san, Blue-san and Berry-san being mad and/or disappointed in you" Gon chirps in 

"UHHH I hate it when you two are right" I say with a pout." Uhh anyway I am going to go ready my book over there in the corner only talk to me when the food arrives got it?" I say in a serous voice.

"Wow she really takes her books serously" Killua whispers to Gon " I mean they are just..." starts when all of the sudden 

"DON'T SAY IT!!" Gon and Rin yell in horror

"Don't say what? That they are just books?" Killua asked confused but then a look of realization came accross his face.


"Don't say what? That they are just books?"I asked but then I remembered



"she is really passionate about her books Dont ever talk bad about books around her" Gon tell me and start to walk towards the sound.

,"it is the one thing that keeps you sane the only thing you want to finish but don't want to finish the thing that you see what it is like in other people minds a way to forget about everything around you and worry about others lifes a emotional contection with each so next time you say it's just a book remember you would of died if it wasn't for books" When we got in there Cherrie had Rin by his collor in her demon form.

"let me guess she finished a book got emotional and started to cry and you said something along the lines of 'it's just a book'?" Gon asked. He franticals nods his head.

"please calm her down she scares me when she is in Demon mode and you are the only one who can calm her down when she is like this" he pleads/says

"okay" Gon say as I start to slowly walk towards her" hey Cherrie look it's me Gon can you calm down for me I have candy if you do" Gon say dangling a sour patch kid in front of her eyes and she immedently calms down and drops Rin so she can grab the candy.

"OW!!" Rin exclaims " I still don't know how you do that anyone else tryes to calm her down while she is in demon mode always ends up with a broken bone at least " He states

"Oh she isn't that hard to handle but I guess it does help when we are like twins" Gon shrug it off. "now if you don't mind I am going to take cheerie with me so she wouldn't be cooped up in here the whole time"

not in this lifetime? (hunter x hunter x oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now