-Chapter Four-

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-Chapter Four-


I heard shuffling around, I thought it was another raccoon. Those things scared me shitless yesterday. Yes, I stayed outside and yes I called the aquarium that there were sea turtles eggs that needed sheltering because the raccoons kept eating them.

I open my eyes they stung from the sun, "hey" Luke smiled coming out of nowhere and I just rolled my eyes "what are you doing here" I said putting my hair in a bun it's so bad I know it is.

"I heard about the sea turtles," he started and I just nodded and pointed at the ground, "I thought you were a mechanic and second of all I called yesterday I slept out here all night with raccoons attacking me every minute, do you know how terrified I was?" I snapped and he just turned around and started laughing "you slept out here?" He questions "no my hair just naturally looks this bad." I said and he smirks before saying "well your hair is pretty bad." He said and I had to hold myself back from punching him.

"Did you make this?" He asked gesturing to the sand bucket and cart, rocks, everything really. "Yes, it kept the raccoons out, why are you going to judge me on it too?" I told him and he shook his head, "no just when they hatch there not going to be able to go anywhere. They're going to need to get to the water or they will suffer and die." He told me and I remember reading that in the book.

He started ripping through my so-called ' project', "there." He smiled, looking at the new and improved masterpiece in front of him. I guess it was good. "It's okay." I sarcastically remarked.

"You know I did you this favor so I think I deserve a favor."

"Technically you don't, it's your job" I smirked.

"So, what should my favor be?" He tapped his fingers on his chin.

"Go on a date with me, anywhere and any day." His eyes glisten in the sun and his smile bigger than ever.

"Okay how about, you wait about a thousand years until I'm on my gravestone," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Today. Go on it with me today." He said and I disagreed.

"I don't want to go out with you," I told him and he just walked off obviously pissed.


It was almost seven but the moonlight was overhead. I bought that book about turtles and started reading about it. Someone was walking towards me, I grabbed the bat next to me.

"Don't come any closer." I snapped at the tall figure ahead of me, "Jesus caite it's me, Luke " he said putting his hands in defense. He sat a small distance away from me.

He placed the chair down his blanket was used to cover him up and he turned on music "radio?" I asked and he just chuckled "keeps the raccoons away." He told me.

"So Caitlin, wanna play twenty-one questions?" He asked and I nodded. What else was I going to do?

"What's your worst fear?" He asked


"Why?" He sounded concerned but I ignored it.

"It's my turn, what's your favorite sport?"

"Soccer." He smiled.

"What's your favorite memory?" He asked

"Probably when I met my two best friends" "your turn to asks." He says.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Easy, blue. You?"

"Blue or pink." I smiled and he laughed.

"Favorite movie?" I smirked

"Anchor Man."

"What is that? I never heard of that" I smiled I was enjoying his company, as much as I dreaded to say it, it was true.

"My turn to ask, what's your favorite movie?" He smiled

"Pitch-perfect, it's just.."

When did my dad even come out here, Jesus it's not like I'm going to do anything with luke. My dad started to draw a line, mostly a box saying 'don't step in this territory' "I completely understand" he said in a serious matter and my father just walked inside.

"Do you want to continue?" He questions and I just roll onto my side ignoring him and go to bed.

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