-Chapter Eighth two-

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-Chapter Eighth two-


I turned around to a figure-hugging me from behind his grip tighten around my waste, like he was scared of me disappearing. His eyes still shut close, the sound of our light breathing and his faded sense of cologne filled the air.

He looked so peaceful, almost as if he would rather live in a world that exists only in his head then open them to reality. I really love this man, I could shout 'I hate you', 'I wish I never met you' just shove him away but it wouldn't be true.

I could never hate someone I love because what's the point of loving someone you will hate, later on, exactly there isn't a point. It's jumping in front of a built, dying...then later you realize no, I don't want to jump in front of that building, but you did. You can't change the fact you jump in front of it.

So whats the point of doing something, you are gonna regret later on. "Caite." I look at luke, his smile never fails to amaze me. I watch as his eyes sparkle, the sun giving it just the right amount of reflection.

"You know I love you right." He asked playing with my hair, twirling it with his finger. I probably look like crap but in his eyes, he sees right through it. He catches me on my lies like I did yesterday I told him I hated him, he caught me on that. He stayed with me, he will always stay with me... At least I hope.

"I know," I told him caressing his cheek, they turned a light shade of red. He bites his lip ring, he pulled me closer to his hot breath was fanning over my face.

He smelt like chocolate, he actually went out while it was thundering just to get me chocolate. "I love you," I told him taking my gaze off his lips to meet his eyes.

"I know." He told me as my lips curved into a smile, "I really wanna kiss you." He said as he stared at my lips, I bit my cheek to hold the smirk in "what's stopping you." Just as I said those three words, the baby's started to cry and Luke jump off the couch.

He leaning off the wall a smirk followed onto his lips, "your morning breath."

Perfect// luke hemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt