The Teasing Game (part 1)

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Me and mark have been together  for about two years now and we always like to play this game with each other. It's called the Teasing game. The way we play it is we try to make each other moan. If the other person moans before you then that person has to do what ever the winner says. I always lose at the game. Mark can always make me moan very easily. But I don't really mind if I lose or not all that really matters that mark doesn't make me do anything to crazy. But that what happen today......

Y/N'S POV:  It was a warm sunny Wednesday afternoon and I was just sitting on the couch watching y/f/a (your favorite anime ). Mark suddenly walks in and sits down on the couch right next to me."Hey cutie" mark says to me. "Hey nerd" I say back to him. As I say that mark puts his hand on my thigh and starts rubbing it very slowly. I knew what he was doing but I wouldn't let him win that easy. I tried to ingore the fact that I was getting a little wet and tried to pay attention to the show. I guess mark saw that I wasn't affected by his touch because he started to lightly kiss my neck. I knew I was going to moan soon or later but I tried really hard not to. Then out of nowhere he stopped rubbing my thigh and kissing my neck. I thought he was done so I sighed a breath of relief. "Oh I'm not done" he said as he had a smirk on his face. I looked at him very confused and nervous at the same time. Just then he put his hand on my clint and started to rub it slowly. That was my breaking point. "M-Mark" I moaned. "Ha I win" he says. "Now stay here I'm going to put a outfit for you" he walks upstairs to our room. I was very scared on what he had in mind.     

It felt like an hour but he finally came back downstairs with still that little smirk he had on his face."OK now go and put your outfit on" he says as he sits back on the couch. I obey and start walking upstairs to are shared bedroom. As I oped the door I couldn't believed what I saw. On the bed I saw a black bra with matching panties, a red  crop top that was really short and looked a little tight with red booty shorts. My mouth was just wide open  as I looked at the clothing. I sighed and started to get undress out my pj's and into the clothing. After I put the clothes on I walk back downstairs seeing mark that was shirtless. "Ah there is my little cutie" he says as he makes his  way over to me. He then starts to kiss me passionately and I kiss back. This is going to be a interesting  day.


A/N: Hey my little weridos. Nell here. I finally had an idea for a new smut! Hope you guys are happy. I'll try and make part two soon but for now have this! Hope you enjoy. By my little weridos!

*smooches ^3^*

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