Katsuki Bakugou

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My personal headcanons for explosion boy! If these inspire you to write something, please make sure to comment/credit me. I would love to read anything you guys come up with ^_^ Enjoy!

How does a relationship start with him?

--Well, it starts slow...like this boy will not admit his feelings for someone until he literally can't control them and he suddenly blows up one day (pun intended).

--He will yell louder than usual and in the spur of the moment he will just blurt out his feelings for you.

--You will be surprised but also delighted that Bakugou is being honest about the way he feels. But Bakugou will just be surprised...and he will ask you out on a date immediately to save himself from further embarrassment.

--Bakugou likes traditional dates because deep down he's extremely nervous and he doesn't know what else to do for a date.

--Eventually he will try to incorporate more romantic dates but it will take time. Everything takes time with him.

--A romantic date for him will be either a scenic hike or a casual date at home with a home cooked meal.

--He prefers to spend one on one time with you, because he feels like he doesn't have to "share you this way. Miscellaneous

--As far as cooking goes Bakugou is an alright cook as long as he has all of the ingredients at home. He hates grocery shopping because it takes too long and tests his short patience.

--Bakugou is canonically a restless sleeper so either his s/o will have to pin him down with a tight cuddle, or risk getting kicked off the bed.

--When driving, Bakugou is either extremely careful (using his turn signal and everything wow!) or he drives like it's the Indy 500...there's no in between.

--If you're on a hero mission with him (bless your soul if you are) then he will actively try to drive safer, but you will still see your life flash before your eyes.

--Bakugou is extremely protective of you on hero missions. He likes showing you that he is the best at protecting and taking care of you! No one else is! Affection ;)

--Bakugou is a stingy boy with affection but when he does cave in...it's sweet.

--He loves giving you forehead kisses and hand kisses (even though he will never admit it) because they're quick and easy.

--Because of his quirk his hands a very sweaty, so he is against hand-holding somewhat...but he will do it if you absolutely positively want to...cause he's a good boyfriend.

--He likes making you blush, so when he's comfortable, he will give you kisses when you two are in public.

--Bonus points for Bakugou if his hero co-workers are around so they know just where you stand with him.

--So, unsurprisingly, Bakugou is quite possessive but if you voice your concerns over this he will try his damn best to not act like that.

--He believes that trying to adapt for you is just as important as a silly kiss.

Bnha HeadcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora