Todoroki Shoto

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Of course Todoroki earned a spot. He's so cold even :p (sorry). People requested him a lot for the oneshot collection too so here you go! Enjoy!

Little Things

--Falling in love with him is a slow but sweet process. He likes to take his time because there's no need to rush things. 

--Todoroki first notices little things about you. The way you look when you're about to smile, or how you light up when you talk about things you're passionate about.

--He will find himself thinking about you, or realizing that a lot of things remind him of you. He's listening to his favorite songs and he wonders if you would like them, or he sees a beautiful sunset and he thinks of you. That's when he knows he's in deep.

--He immediately finds out what makes you happy and he tries to get little relevant gifts for you. You like cats? He'll get you a cute cat keychain charm. It's the perfect amount of practical and thoughtful in his opinion. You like soup? Boom, you just got a thermos too!

--He takes things very literally so you will have to be careful with what you say you like. He tried to adopt a dog for you once because you said you thought dogs were so friendly and you wished you had one.


--Because of his father, Todoroki is extremely careful about who he falls in love with and why. He wants to make sure he likes his you for the right reasons and that he's not using you or anything.

--Because of those fears, Todoroki will always be very sweet and gentle with you and it takes a long time for him to grow comfortable with having a healthy relationship.

--He's very dense which can be a funny problem for both of you. 

--If you want him to kiss, cuddle, or hug you you will have to tell him directly or else he will totally miss the signals you are sending.

--But when you tell him what you want, he is very willing to provide!

--He's pretty touch-starved so any affection you give him in return will be amazing for him. He has a fondness for hand kissing and cuddling especially.

--He likes being the big spoon, but won't mind being held by you every once in a while especially if he's had a hard day at work. He finds it so incredibly calming when you play with his hair. He can fall asleep in minutes if you do this.

--Todoroki is a firm believer that actions show how much you love someone. He enjoys helping out with anything if you need it, because he has a knack for home repair and decorating (this is canon).

--When he wants to (or even if he doesn't mean to) he can be really funny. He likes making you laugh and seeing how beautiful you are when you smile.

--Todoroki doesn't get jealous often but when he does it's very subtle. He will stand closer to you, his usual aloof expression replaced by mild annoyance. It's rare for him to verbally lash out at someone, but he will do it without hesitation.

--When you tell him there's nothing to worry about he will believe you immediately, but he will request extra cuddling sessions!

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