Mirio Togata

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I love him so much! That's why he earned a spot on my top ten list. That's it. Enjoy!


--Mirio enjoys eating and watching movies with his s/o. He's loves action comedies, especially buddy-cop movies! But if his s/o has differing tastes he won't mind. He's surprisingly started to warm up to musicals so tastes can definitely change with him.

--Volunteering at animal shelters is also one of his favorite things to do when he has time. He loves dogs but because of his hectic schedule he hasn't been able to get one, so volunteering is the best he can do!

--Prefers big fluffy dogs but he also likes small dogs because he can pick up more than one at a time!

--He has a soft spot for all cats too, especially tiny kittens. He enjoys cradling them in his arms and hearing them purr. 

--Mirio likes going on hikes or just going outside in general. His favorite days are when it's slightly cloudy but the sun is bright! (like him)

--Mirio prefers going to a beach than going to a lake. The ocean is extremely beautiful in his opinion, and it helps that he grew up near it.


--Mirio doesn't dislike much because he believes that there is an upside to everything, even if they're unpleasant things! 

--But as positive as he is...he isn't fond of: sweating a lot, getting out of a hot shower and being cold, surfaces that are suspiciously sticky, and parallel parking.

--He rarely drives because the subways are pretty convenient but he will try his best to avoid parallel parking at all costs! If you or anyone else is in the car with him, expect to do the parking for this sunshine boy. He doesn't ask for much after all so you are happy to do it for him.

Boyfriend Material??? Yes!

--Unsurprisingly Mirio is a total sweetheart and a great boyfriend!

--If you are sad or unhappy for whatever reason he will make it his mission to cheer you up. He will do simple things for you like cooking/buying your favorite food or getting you a thoughtful gift. 

--He likes buying stuff for you because he can tell the cashiers that he's getting stuff for you and how special you are.

--"They're amazing! I've never seen someone so beautiful before. They're so great and wonderful...jeez they deserve something more than this huh?"

--"Sir you're holding up the line."

--He absolutely loves to make you laugh. Seeing you smile is one of his greatest joys and it makes him feel like he is being a good boyfriend.

--Mirio also likes hearing about your dreams in life. What new things do you want to do? Where would you like to go someday? Hearing things like that just make him even more interested in you.

--If you're sick, you know he's going to make you soup and give you extra cuddles. He's not afraid of getting sick at all (he rarely does) so he's really affectionate and caring when you're not feeling well.

--All in all, he's a great and well-rounded boyfriend who will always try to keep the mood cheery and bright!

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