Kirishima Eijirou

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I love him so much! He wasn't requested that much for my oneshot collection (much to my surprise) but I knew I had to add him to this short collection. Enjoy!


--Kirishima canonically likes manly things, but I think he also likes dogs, video games, and action comedies.

--He is a big fan of wrestling matches or other sports that display raw physical strength. And of course he loves watching old footage of manly heroes like All Might or Crimson Riot. They really get his blood pumping and make his manly spirit happy!

--He loves to eat all kinds of food especially meat! He is always up for BBQ, especially in the summertime because you can have a backyard BBQ whenever you want!

--Kirishima is very fond of dogs, especially big old dogs that have really deep barks. He just adores them and will always be happy to snuggle with them!

Manly Boyfriend!!

--Kirishima is a very sweet boyfriend but he can be forgetful sometimes. You don't have to remind him about the big things like birthdays or anniversaries, but he will forget little things that are kind of important. Like food shopping or little events in your schedule.

--But you just have to remind him a few times and he will catch on eventually.

--Kirishima lives for all kinds of affection. He really enjoys passionate kisses and hugs, especially when they're surprises. He loves coming up behind you and enveloping you in his arms when you're not expecting it!

--You don't mind his surprise hugs since he's really good at giving hugs. They're not too tight but not too loose, and he nuzzles into your shoulder nicely. Absolutely perfect.

--Whenever you return his affection, he will get extremely flustered even though he doesn't get flustered when he does it to you. His face gets almost as red as his hair when you kiss him sweetly or when you give him nice bear hugs.

--Kirishima will always tell you he loves you but he usually yells it at the wrong times. If you both are pro heroes he will usually end his missions by proclaiming his love for you loudly in front of all your co-workers. They all endlessly tease him about his comically bad timing.

--But he doesn't mind at all! He likes having people know that he's your boyfriend, he has practically no shame about the matter. He's very proud that he has you in his life and there's no reason to hide your relationship especially since pro heroes who have long-lasting relationships are pretty rare.

--Kirishima is pretty protective over you, but it takes a lot for him to get really annoyed and jealous. He's more of the kind of boyfriend that watches your back and supports you with whatever you need. If there's someone you need help standing up to he'll be right by your side!

--There is never a dull moment when Kiri is your boyfriend. He likes spending fun quality time with you, even when his pro hero schedule is hectic.

--You love Kirishima's sweet and laid back nature. You wouldn't trade it for the world!

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