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authors note.
i'm posting this a tad early because i cant help myself. here's the prologue :))

millie had lived in hawkins for 4 months now. she was still the new girl, and still hasd no friends. the only people that really knew she existed were the kids in the popular group. they called themselves 'the losers club' (which made no sense to anyone because they were far from losers) and they only knew she existed because they bullied her constantly, which didn't help with her depression. honestly all millie wanted was a reason to be able to go home to florida, but she knew that could never happen.

finn had lived in hawkins his whole life. he had always been a part of 'the losers club' but had never felt like he fit in with them. he was a dork. he liked things like space and science. he wanted to be an astronomer when we got older. which meant he was different, but nobody could ever know the really him. because he had a reputation to uphold. even if it wasn't the reputation he wanted

sometimes quiet is violent | fillie | au | ACTIVEWhere stories live. Discover now