8. i'll take my time

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january 23rd, 2016

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january 23rd, 2016

it had been a few hours since they had gotten to the hospital. all three were in surgery for different reasons. finn had a severely broken nose, gaten had internal bleeding, but millie was in the worst condition. she had extreme brain damage caused from being thrown off jacob. "how on earth did millie get so hurt?" noah asked. "she hit her head on the side table and then on the floor" maddie responded. "oh..." noah said, sadly. "guys!" chloe shouted, looking up. as they all looked up, they noticed finns doctor come out.

"turns out your friend had worse injuries than we thought..." the doctor paused, "we fixed his nose but we are going to need to perform another surgery to stop the brain bleeding," he finished. a gasp came from everyone in the room. "i swear to god i'm going to kill jacob" caleb said. him and finn weren't as close as they used to be, but they were still close enough. "no you aren't" sadie said. she startled everyone. nobody expected her to come. "s-sadie?" noah said under his breath. "what the hell is she doing here?" maddie said looking up.

"look guys, i know i'm not the nicest person to you all. i've just been going through a lot lately. not that it's an excuse, but um, my mom moved out and took my little sister with her. they actually moved all the way to new york, and they just left me here with my dad. and he, um, besides the point. it has had a big effect on me and i guess i have just taken it out on everyone. and i'm really sorry. i don't hate any of you." sadie paused, taking a huge breath in. "in fact i think you guys are all really cool people. and i know you have no reason to forgi-" sadie was interrupted by a nurse coming in.

"who's here for gaten ma-tar-zao?" everyone giggled a little bit at her mispronunciation of their friends name. "we all are, but mostly her" grace said, pointing to maddie. "oh, um, yeah, hi" maddie said quickly getting up. "come with me sweetheart" the nurse said. maddie followed. "i'm winona, your friend seems to have had internal bleeding, but we got it under control. you can seem him now if you want, he doesn't look to good but he's awake" she said, making maddie smile and think 'how could he not look good, he's gaten'

"GATEN!!" maddie screamed, running to hug him. she slowed down and hugged him gently, remembering that he just had surgery. "mads!" gaten said with a smile. "i was so worried about you. what happened with jacob? why was he beating you up? are you okay? are you in pain?" maddie asked very quickly. "woah there cowboy, slow down!" gaten said. making maddie laugh. "i'll answer your questions, but first come here" gaten said pulling maddie next to him on the bed, making maddie blush.

"jacob said something and it bothered me, so i talked back to him and he lashed out. and began hitting me. i'm better than okay now that you're here. and a little pain but i'll be okay!" gaten said smiling. "i was really worried gate!" maddie said, staring at gaten. "i bet you were, but look," he paused gesturing his hands up and down his body. "i'm fine!" gaten said. "i know, it's just, i-" she was caught off guard by a sudden movement.

'HE IS KISSING ME' she thought. 'IM KISSING HER' he thought. 'HIS LIPS ARE ON MY LIPS' she mentally screamed. 'OUR LIPS ARE TOUCHING' gaten screamed, well, screamed in his mind. eventually they pulled apart. both of them were blushing "maddie, why ya blushing?" gaten asked, with a huge smile on his face. "why are you smiling matarazzo?" maddie said, giggling.

"i don't think i've ever seen someone smile this much right after surgery!" said nurse winona as she walked in. "well, this girl is sure something to smile about." gaten said, staring at maddie with a huge grin. making her blush again. "well not to ruin the mood, but your other friend, finn wolfhard, is out of surgery!" winona said smiling. "wait, finn was in surgery!?" gaten said, his happiness vanishing immediately. "i haven't told yet..." maddie said. "oh, well, i'll give you some time" winona said, walking out.

"maddie, what happened" he said. maddie took a big gulp and then began to explain, "okay, so finn and millie both had to go into surgery." she paused. "both of them?" gaten said, sounding really confused and worried. "yes, both of them" maddie answered. "why?"
"well finn tried to get jacob off of you, and he did. he saved your life. but jacob just started pounding on him. and then millie stupidly tries to get jacob off of finn. and jacob threw her off, really hard. she hit her head on the table really hard. and then hit it even harder on the ground." she finished. gaten just gasped. "fuck." gaten said. "yeah, fuck,"

a few minutes later, maddie wheeled gaten into finns room. he looked bad. worse than gaten. "hey buddy," gaten said. "hey nerd" finn said, taking a minute to say it all. maddie got him some water, which helped him talk. "you look like shit" was the next thing to come out of his mouth. "so do you wolfhard!" gaten said. they both laughed. "hey um, thank you..." gaten said quietly, seemingly embarrassed. "for?" finn asked. "you know, saving my ass with jacob," gaten responded. "aye, what are best friends for?" finn said, trying to smile.

"maddie?" finn asked. "yes?" maddie said quickly. "where's millie?" finn questioned. maddie didn't know how to tell him, and she didn't want to. she didn't want to break the news that millie was also in surgery, and that her injuries were even worse than both his and gatens. "maddie, where is she?" finn asked, angrily. "she's in surgery" maddie responded. "what?! but she's going to be okay right? she has to be okay!"

"finn... it's bad. really bad"

authors note.


not proofread whoops.

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