7. two dumb kids

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january 22nd, continued

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january 22nd, continued

"w-what?" millie said shakily. "i... like... you" finn responded. "i um uh" millie said. she didn't know what to say. she had never expected him to like her back. she couldn't believe that those words just stumbled out of his mouth. she just stared at him blankly.

"mills?" finn said. "uh yeah hey" millie said. "are you okay?" the boy said, staring at the short and gorgeous girl standing in front of him. "yes" millie responded quickly, looking into the freckled boy's eyes. she wanted to hug him. she wanted to kiss him. but she also wanted to run out of the room and scream. her body was filled with so many emotions. she almost couldn't handle it. she had wanted this for so long. and now that it's here she was absolutely terrified.

"so what now?" the brown haired girl slowly asked. "do you maybe want to go out on a date?" finn said, answering her question with another question. "yeah!" she responded enthusiastically.

before they could continue their conversation, chloe barged in the door. "guys, you need to get out here right now! like right the fuck now!" chloe said in a violent tone. millie knew it was important because chloe never swore. finn grabbed millie's hand and they rushed out the bedroom door.

when they got to the living room they saw jacob fighting someone, well actually, pummeling someone, but they couldn't tell who. as they got closer they saw that it was gaten. "JACOB GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!" finn screamed at jacob, who was in the middle of punching the life out of gaten.

millie ran over to maddie who was bawling and screaming. "MADS WHAT HAPPENED" millie screamed. "jacob was being rude to me, and i tried to leave, but he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go-" maddie paused. lifting up her arm, which had already started to bruise. "i-i knew that he, um, had anger-r i-issues but" maddie said, sobbing. "what happened next?" millie asked gently. "gaten noticed, and he came over and got jacob off me, and i gave him a hug. and then jacob lost it. he just started hitting, and hitting, and hitting." as maddie finished, millie gasped. "we need to call the police!" she said.

millie then reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone. she then dialed 9-1-1 and got up to see if they had stopped the punching. as she walked back to where she could see, she noticed jacob was no longer hitting gaten, but gaten was passed out. the police answered, and she started to explain what she knew. giving her name, their names, and the address. then she saw where jacob was, and stopped talking. "ma'am?" asked the officer on the phone. she didn't respond. "ma-" this time they were interrupted by a scream.

"FINN!" millie screamed. jacob was hurting him. punching him. killing him. she didn't know what to do, but she had to do something. she ran and jumped on jacob. trying to stop him, for at least a second. as she jumped on him, he got even more angry and threw her off of him. she fell hard and hit her head.

"MADDIE! NOAH!" chloe screamed when she noticed that millie was not awake. she had passed out. they tried to wake her but it
didn't work. "mills, please!" maddie cried, brushing the hair out of millie's face. she then out her hand down on the ground by millie's head, but quickly lifted it back up, noticing there was blood. lots of blood. "u-u-u-m" maddie mumbled. "t-t-here's u-um" she tried to point it out by was in too much shock. "BLOOD" noah screamed.

jacob heard this and quickly got off of finn and ran over to millie. the second he got over there everyone could smell how drunk he was. "no, that wasn't supposed to happen. i didn't
want to hurt her. i just wanted her
off of me. what do i do?" jacob said, he began to cry. before anyone could respond they heard the police show up.

"officer, please, help" chloe said, sobbing, as she directed the officer over to millie. "what the hell happened" the officer said. he then called for backup. "i need everyone to leave except for you three" he said, pointing to maddie, noah, and chloe. they were all cover in blood. "and the one who did this" he said. looking up from millie's limp body, searching for the one responsible. his eyes quickly spotted a boy with bloody knuckles. "you, come here" the officer said standing up. as jacob walked over, he was put into handcuffs.

not long after 3 ambulances showed up and paramedics rushed in. lifting gaten, finn, and lastly millie, up onto their gurneys. "one of us needs to go in each ambulance." noah said. "i'll go with gaten" maddie said quickly, which they all agreed on because she was closet with him. "it's my fault he's hurt anyways" maddie said as she climbed into his ambulance. chloe went with millie, and noah with finn. "if anything important happens, text us" noah said.

nobody knew what was going to happen. all 3 of them were seriously injured. none of them were conscious. but millie, millie was the worst. she hit her head really bad. they were in the ambulances for what seemed like forever. and when they reached the hospital, they all met up in the waiting room.

"i'm scared" maddie said. "me too" noah responded. "me three" chloe said. they sucked eachother into a group hug and all began to cry again. hoping their friends would survive.

about an hour later one of the doctors rushed out to talk to the parents. everyone in the room stood up. "i have some news..."

authors note.


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