1. i am tired of this place

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send help idk how to add it to the top part andmake it work lol

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january 17th, 2016

"mom, it is my hair! let me do what i want!" millie screamed. "no! you're going to regret it if you do, you are just acting out because of what happened before we moved." her mom screamed back. millie wanted to cut her hair, which was almost reaching her back, to her shoulders and dye it blonde. "mom please! it's my hair! and i'm 15! i can do whatever i want to it" millie was screaming g so loud her throat started to sting. "fine! but don't come crying to me when you hate it"

later that day millie went to the hair salon. she got it cut just above her shoulders and dyed more of a cream blonde rather than a yellow blonde. when she looked in the mirror and saw her new look, she felt happy. she felt happy for the first time in 4 months. she wasn't extremely happy, but she still felt good. her happiness was ruined seconds later when sadie, grace, and maddie walked into the salon.

"um how much longer until i can leave?" millie asked suddenly. "i'm almost done styling it" said the hairdresser. millie rolled her eyes and tried to slump down in her seat so that they wouldn't see her

"ew look it's that annoying freak from our school" said sadie. grace laughed "god she's weird". her and sadie kept laughing but maddie was quiet. like always. maddie hasn't ever been rude to millie. she seemed nice, and it made millie wonder why she hung around such horrible people. millie ignored them as best as she possibly could until they changed the subject. "so how's finn?" grace asked sadie. "i mean, he's okay" she responded in a bitchy voice, she honestly didn't like finn that much, but he was the 'it' boy and she wanted the popularity. "good", grace then turned to maddie and asked "how's jacob?". maddie took a bit to respond. "i think he's good. but how should i know i'm not dating him" she finally said. "yeah but you do like him don't youuuu?" said sadie. "i mean yeah duh!" maddie responded. just then grace got a text on her phone.

❤️😍: hey!
grace: hey !! what's up ??

maddie and sadie were looking over her shoulder now, "WHOS THE HEART EYES" sadie screamed. everyone in the salon stared at her. "it's nobody." grace responded. maddie and sadie 'mhmed' in sync. "it's just this guy i like, but you guys, well you sadie, have the biggest mouth in the school so i'm not going to tell you who!" this came off snappier that grace had intended. "sorry that was rude" she quickly added. "it sure was" sadie said, using her bitchy voice again. "come on, i set up our appointments, and the boys are waiting let's go" sadie continued as they all walked out the door. "god, i am tired of this place" millie said to herself. "what did you say?" asked the hair lady. "oh nothing!" millie quickly responded

'how on earth does someone like finn, date someone like... her' millie thought to herself. "all done" the hairdresser said as she spun the chair around so millie could see herself in the mirror. "pretty" millie said quietly to herself. she got up, thanked the hairdresser, and left. when she got home she was a little bit nervous about what her mom would think, but millie liked it, so what did it matter what her mom thought.

"hey mom!" she said walking into her house. "hey honey! in the kitchen, come here i want to see your hair" her mom responded. millie walked into the kitchen slowly and cautiously. "omg m! it's so cute! i'm sorry i have you such a hard i'm about it earlier, but i really do like it!" her mom said as she hugged her. "thanks mom, i'm going to go upstairs and finish up some homework" millie knew she was actually going to just sit on her phone looking at pictures of dylan o'brien and thomas brodie-sangster, but if she told her mom that, she would make millie stay downstairs and hang out with her. "but it's a friday night, don't you want to go out with friends or something". her mom asked.

even though millie was deliberately not making friends so she had an excuse to go home, she didn't have the heart to tell her mom. which defeated the whole purposely not making friends, but millie gave up on going back home like 2 weeks when her mom saw her with sadie and her group after school and got all excited that she was popular. millie decided it was best not to tell her mom that she wasn't being friendly with those kids, and that she was actually being bullied.

"yeah but i need some me time you know?" millie said. this whole week she had been lying to her mom saying she was going out with friends, but really she as just sitting at the library reading 'eleanor and park' and then walking to the diner or bowling alley when her mom said she was on her way. it was working so far, and she didn't mind going to the library, she loved eleanor and park (even though she's already read it four times.)

"okay but ava will be home in like 3 hours, she's at a friends house, then we are having some much needed family time." her mom said with a smile. "okay" millie said as she smiled back and walked up the stairs. when she got to her room she plopped down on her bed and decided to look through instagram. she hadn't posted anything since she moved to indiana, so she decided to post a picture of her new hair.

 she hadn't posted anything since she moved to indiana, so she decided to post a picture of her new hair

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i look more than kinda depressed in this lol. anyways.
new home, new hair, new me

as she finished writing her caption and posted it she started at the photo of her a little bit more. 'god i'm ugly' she thought to herself. 'no wonder i have no friends' she kept thinking about herself and how much she actually hated herself until she fell asleep.

authors note.
AHHHHHHH. okay so i actually wasn't planning on updating until monday but i couldn't wait. it's way cringy and bad but let me know what you think!!!

(next update will be monday :) )

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