2. im lying through my teeth

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january 18th, 2016

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january 18th, 2016

finn loved school. but he hated the people. well most of them. he even hated his girlfriend. but he was dating sadie because she was the 'it' girl. and she helped maintain his reputation. he loved gaten, though. he was finns, dorky, two front teeth missing, best friend and had been since 1st grade. "hey gate, what's up?" finn said as he sat at their lunch table. nobody else was their yet. which was exactly how finn liked it. "where s you're girlfriendddd?" gaten said. finn just rolled his eyes.

"you know it's quite amusing that you are dating someone you've hated since 3rd grade." gaten chuckled. "well, she was a bitch then, and she's a bitch now, but i don't know what else i'm supposed to do! everyone's been telling us we would be the 'it couple' since freshmen year. we couldn't put it off any longer" finn said as he ate his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "you know she doesn't like you either, right?" gaten added. "oh trust me i know, we never hang outside of school and haven't ever kissed unless it's in front of a huge crowd, and we've been dating for 9 months. it's more of a showship than a relationship." finn responded.

"well you both seem miserable finn, maybe it's time to end it" he said. "i want too. i really want too" finn said while kind of giggling. "did the finn wolfhard just giggle?" jacob said, mocking finn as he walked up to the table. "shut up" finn and gaten said as the rest of the club walked over to the table.

"hey baby" sadie said, with no emotion in her voice. "hey cutie" finn responded. he knew he was lying right through his teeth when it came to this relationship, but he had always been a good actor. so nobody else caught on.

sadie and grace seemed to be in a deep conversation basically all of lunch. "why are you guys acting so weird," maddie asked. they just giggled. "or don't tell me. that's cool too" she said under her breath. after a few more minutes, the bell rang and they all headed to their last periods of the day. before maddie could get out class, gaten ran up to her. "hey, are you okay?" he asked, as they walked down the hall. he actually seemed like he cared. 'jacob never asks me how i'm doing' maddie thought to herself 'why the hell do i like him' she had forgotten that gaten was there, and responded. "uh... yeah... i'm fine." she said. "mads, i've known you since 2nd grade, and i know when you are lying. what's up?" he said pulling me into the empty area under the stairs. "gate, it's nothing worth missing class over," she said quietly.

"it is to me," he said pulling her into a hug. "tell me what it is" he said softly. "please" pushing maddie out of the hug and looking her in the eyes. "i just feel alone," she said softly. "how so?" he asked. "it's just that grace and sadie get along so well. and i'm just not as close to them as they are to each other, if that makes sense," maddie said.

"do you want to be close to them?" gaten paused, thinking about how to word what he said next. "they are so rude to everyone. even that new girl millie, who literally never did anything to them except exist!" he continued, while slightly screamed. "and you," he paused. "you, are not like them. you are the most genuine person i have ever met," he finished. maddie pulled him into another hug. "thank you much ga, i needed this, really bad," she said trying to pull out of the hug, but he just pulled her in tighter. "i'm always here for you," gaten said finally letting her out of the. "now go to class!" he said chuckling.

maddie scurried up the stairs and headed to her class. she had her next period with jacob, so she should have been excited to seen him, since they were technically. but she was more excited for lunch, because dustin had her lunch.

"hey cutie!" jacob said coming up and hugging her from behind. "hi!" maddie responded, getting pulled out of her thoughts. "what were you thinking about?" jacob paused, smiling. "my hotness?" he said laughing. "uh... yeah... sure" maddie lied. all she could think to herself was 'friends. don't. lie.'

after school, the club saw millie as they were walking out, sitting all by herself, reading, at a corner table. sadie, jacob, caleb, and grace were all making fun her. sadie more than anyone. maddie and finn kind of just ignored the gang, and millie. but you could tell they were annoyed. "she's so ugly" sadie said, loud enough for millie to hear. "she should just leave, and not the school, the world!" jacob said, making sadie and the rest laugh.

"wowow, too far!" finn said as he stepped between the club and millie. "he's right! she never did anything to you!" maddie said, stepping in as well. "you two better watch what you say next!" sadie said, with the bitchiest death stare any of them had ever seen. finn and maddie didn't move. she didn't scare them, not anymore.

authors note.
ahhhhhh so this chapter is so cute and i love where maddie and dustin are going. but don't get to attached 😏
anyway sorry it feels rushed i need to update. ahhhh. anyways. byeee

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