Chapter Eighteen; Consider Your Impulsive Actions

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A/N: I don't do scary dreams, scary things, scary anything, but sometimes I get rebellious and I give in and like a weirdly pumped up like adrenline? That might not make sense to you, but it happens to me for some reason.


Wakening after the frightful dream, it was already the first day of Winter break as twelve in the morning lit up on my Tardis alarm clock.

Texting Austin, hopeful I did not ruin his rest. Later on, he did text back replying he'll come soon. Within a second, he rang the buzzer and then I letting him in. As soon as I let my gloomy reddish-yellow pigmented door become unlocked, Austin embraced me adoringly and saw perspiration on my forehead asking,"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I just had this disturbing dream and it has not faded from my memory. And I need to tell you to tell me if it means anything." Perceiving Austin and thus I comprehended the night terror to him.

He sat at the foot of my couch while I trembled on the couch revealing every notable detail. His verdant irises became murky like a swamp devoured with algae and lily pads under the moonlight that shone through the kitchen's window, Austin's iris diaphragm ensued apprehensiveness.

Previously when I concluded my nightmare, Austin was discreet and began to contemplate my bad dream,"I have one suggestion of how this impacts you in real life, but I surely don't know."

   I urged him to observe more of his examination.

"Well, I reckon that, in my view at least, it exhibits that you're in war with your undoubtedly feelings for all of us, me, John, Devon, and the others, yet during it, you've created a muse of a horrendous dream. You just need to let your devotion known out loud, though we all know you love us, but is that really it? Are you just worried someday we won't be there for you?" Austin deduced, his fingers assembling in a circular motion on my wrists, attempting to sooth my strain that compelled me. I sat there, not being able to answer and contemplating of maybe I really don't adore John. Austin knew I wasn't ready, he also thought it was too early. "Come on, let's get you to rest." Though before I let him snuggle up to me I giggled about his oberservations calling him the perfect Canadian psychologist.

However, when I woke up again at nine in the morning, Austin and I were placed together on my floral divan. Austin's sinewy arms bended across my upper body and his fingers locked with mine. His leisurely breath on my mop-like, inky dark black hair and down my neck. Alarming Austin as I bolted right up, making Austin swat his cheek and causing him to start striking around his perimeter, "WHOA WHAT THE FUCK!?!"

I tranquilized Austin's freakout,"Calm down!" And so he did, and was offering to cook some omelets, waffles, and sausages. Even though, he fretted about my health, Austin did permit me to feed produce Capulet's lunch which incorporated celery bits and iceberg lettuce shreds.

"Have you had any thought about the trip?" catechize Austin as he spread butter on the searing hot pan to start making waffles when the sausage and omelets were already laid out.

I gather my plate and began to pile up sausages and a cheesy, spicy omelet. As, I was chowing down on my sausages and pouring more syrup on my patterned waffle.

   Austin perked up from his ingesting,"Don't forget to change soon, the guys are coming over."

My cold, steel utensils reverberated as my grip on them loosen," ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"

Austin was puzzled and took a snag of sausage,"What? You don't want them to come over?"

I glared at him in agonizing amazement of Austin's literal blond moment,"After what I experienced last night, I don't want them to see me act stricken and unexpectedly and increased interval between them and I."

Austin silently gasped in astonishment,"Oh, but I can't really cancel. So, get dressed quickly're wearing a tanktops with its v-line showing the top-half of your boobs..." He began to snicker.

"Shit," I registered to now noticing and I quickly devoured my breakfast and scurried to my room to change, hearing Austin's not so hidden laughter from the kitchen.

I clothed myself in a soft and non-clinging indigo t-shirt with coal-black capris, I had a little clip on bow that was covered in little anchors and tinted as blue as the sky this morning.

"They've arrived." Austin called out, I caught voices that muttered indistinctly.

"Coming." I announced, I positioned my hair into a ponytail while discarded strands of my right hair went to my left sided like a side-swept bangs. I secured my inky, dark black hair once more and then clipped my bow on top. I gazed at the mirror that reflected at my self, I couldn't view things clearly since my glasses were not on. Nonetheless, since with my artificial twenty/twenty absent, I could not spot my flaws, but I knew they were there. Hauntings of my existence knowing that they could not be repaired, especially make-up would just do it's femine job to conceal and I've never applied it to my face. I got hold of a deep breath and then excluded it out, then departed my room to see four of my best friend, though ostracizing Duncan, everyone else was distressed and shivering from the cold nonetheless, yet eating breakfast. All eyes piercing giving exhaustive observation at me.


A/N: One time my irl friend Austin said "eh" as a joke and I screeched because it was the cutest thing ever


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