Chapter Nineteen; Brisk Soreness & Recollection

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A/N: Shit is about to go down

It was unpleasant as I dawdled in my own living room discerned by intimidation, "So...?"

"Good Morning!" The boys simultaneously vocalized, and then Manuel and Devon came up to hug me.

After a few ridiculed seconds later, I acted unperturbed as I took Capulet out of my cage and let him roam around with the procedure of attaching my phone that blasted music on shuffle. Therefore, when I arrived back to my living room and sat on my peacock blue designed carpet as Devon, John, Manny, and Austin convened jammed on my flower patterned sofa which reminded me of how it was so alluring to get some fresh air and wish to see the blossomed wild red columbines and scarlet maples. (damn the winter sometimes)

In spite of my daydreaming of prancing along the park's meadow, being uncivilly interrupted by Duncan, who decided to make lay on my elephant that was now being crushed by chubs, "Yo, tell us why the hell we were called to drive up here for your sorry asian ass?!"

The irked boys on the couch glared at Duncan, while I using inconceivable strength and instantaneous power to tug at my silvery fur matted beandbagged elephant. Leading to Duncan falling on his paunchy ass and triggering the table, lamps, and Capulet to tremble.

Subsequently, a searing, tender pain throbbed on my cheek, salty-tears flowing. With force of my eyes to open, through the tears glimpsing at Duncan being held by Devon and John. Afterwards of regaining balance with little help from Manuel and Austin, yet my clear, salty teardrops kept descending. Affected by all the quarrel of unowned, deep voices and still sweltering and pulsating from Duncan's bitchslap. The last scene I saw play from my view was John and Austin grasping at my body which keeled over from the constraint and discomfort. Then full wave unconsciousness swooned over me. A pitch-black void consuming and injecting insensitivity. After the screen-like viewing of memories from my first and currently days of high school and early childhood. Freshmen year was intimidating and reckless since I deemed alone with no friends even before high school, already creating my current angst and cynical attitude.


A/N: tsk tsk Duncan's an asshole and will always be one ! My friend's call me abusive because I would slap them if they offend I try not to be compulsive and smack them from across the room if they say something I like is dumb.


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