His Electric Feel Part 26

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Sorry it's taken me so long to upload. I've been pretty busy lately and I'm not sure when I'll be able to upload again, but hopefully it'll be soon. Thank you so so so so much to all of my fans and for the votes and comments and what not. One more thing....LISTEN TO THE SONG!!!! I had it on repeat while I wrote this chapter and it just makes everything so much more intense if you listen to it while you read. THank you again, no go click play on the little video I have posted, and commence reading.

Sitting on the hood of Van's car, I took in our surroundings. We were in an open pasture under a large oak tree off the country road. The smell of dewy grass filled the air around us as we continued to eat our Chubb's Burgers. It was like something out of Little House on the freaking Prairie twenty-first century edition.

We hadn't talked since we got there. We were way too busy stuffing our faces and over analyzing every detail of the night so far, or at least I was. For example, why the hell was I in the middle of nowhere? Why the hell was I in the middle of nowhere with Van? Was our kiss replaying over and over and over and over again in his head? Did he want t kiss me over and over and over and over again? Was he going to make a move on me here? Why was his car so comfortable to sit on? Did he like Chubb's as much as I did? Is he going to answer my questions? Does he feel the same way I feel about him? Did the Red Sox win? There was way too much stuff going on in my head, but not enough to distract me from the Russian God sitting beside me.

Van was finishing up his burger as he stared into the distance. Following his gaze, I saw he was looking at the horizon. The sun had been down for awhile now, so the stars were all out and twinkling like there was no tomorrow. There were thousands of them it seemed as I traced my eyes along their intricate patterns. I followed them all the way up to the moon. Tonight, it was only a small crescent, but it was enough to throw a translucent glow over the pasture. Everything seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, but eventually my attention turned back to those millions of shining stars. It was amazing how despite the fact that both my parents were gone, I had thrown away seven years of my life, the Shards were after me, and I couldn't be with the one man I would ever give myself to, that something so beautiful could take place in the same world. As if he was reading my mind, Van spoke up.

"I used to spend a lot of time up here." He sounded like he was remembering past memories, important past memories.

"Really? Why?" We both kept looking at the stars.

"It's kind of a long story." I made a show of looking around us before finally looking at Van. He was shaking his head with that condescending curved smile of his.

"You're right we probably don't have any time for long stories what with all these people and our tight schedule." My voice was heavy in sarcasm while I flashed Van my crooked smile. As if he was getting ready for a lengthy tale, he settled back down into the wind shield and looked up at the sky. His voice came out real quiet and subtle. It made me pay even closer attention than I already was.

"This first time I came here was with Trace actually," my breath caught at the mention of my father's name," It was the night of your mother's funeral," he paused," It was the night you left. Do you ever wonder how long it took me to figure out you had left?"

Within seconds, I understood this was going to be an intense retelling of a very bad night from Van's past. I could only answer his question with a weak frown and small shake of the head.

"I searched Grande Estates for a good two hours, and then I drove all around Boston for another two.I went to every place I could possibly think of. I even checked out the high school. I finally came home, but only so I could borrow Auggie's motorcycle. I figured it would help me find you faster, little did I know you, were already gone," I had only ever known my side of the story. Never had I taken the time to think about how it had been for everyone else, "I was just about to peel put of the garage when Trace stopped me. He didn't seem worried about you at all and it pissed me off more than you can possibly imagine. I was going out of my mind thinking about all of the horrible things that could have happened to you and your own dad didn't even seem to care."

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