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T H A L I A 'S   P O V

Nothing special today.


That's what life is like when you're one of the twelve Angels that guard the gates of the Underworld. I don't hate my job... but I definitely think I would've been better on Earth, helping people directly. 

5:30 AM   Duty Begins

7:00 AM  Inspection

12-13:00 PM  Lunch Break

13-22:00 PM  Last Shift

I had been doing this tedious schedule for 200 years until about right this moment... when someone thought escaping hell would be a brilliant idea.

1 W E E K   A G O

My shift had only started 30 minutes ago, yet it felt like my legs had been standing for centuries. I knew in an hour I'd have to face inspection: the grueling task of re-spelling every tiny hole or mark in the gate that protected humanity from Hades and his corrupt subjects. 

And trust me... it wasn't really on my to-do list... ever.

The other Angels don't even bother communicating with me, no doubt because I am the only female Angel to ever guard the gates of the Underworld. Which is sexism at its finest, may I mention. So as my eyes squint at a peculiar hole by the west wing, I realize that I really am alone in this. I look around to see if anyone is with a 50 ft radius of me and, sure enough, I was completely and utterly alone.

So I slacked, lent on the obsidian-clad wall and sighed, alone... until

I swear that hole is twice as big as it was

The hole was now glowing a burgundy color, almost like a traffic light saying, 'you stupid idiot, why didn't you fix the hole before you decided to contemplate your tedious life?' 

I didn't alert the other Angels, instead I focused on making the hole disappear, like all of my other problems, hoping that power would override whoever was causing the damage from the other side. And at first, it kinda worked. Just like everything in my life.

The burgundy color was simmering down to a brown, neutral tone, seeping into the air. Until eventually it almost completely evaporated into thin air, leaving nothing but a small groove in the gate, but not before I saw an eye, on the other side... 

looking right at me.

"You saw someone?"

My only friend, Yoongi, asked me when I told him about the weird person on the other side of the wall earlier today.

"Well just an eye, perhaps it was an illusion because the person's eye was brown, not red like any other Demon." I answered back.

Yoongi was pacing again, looking back at me with an unreadable expression; "I think you did see something AND you didn't ask for any help. Whoever that is left a mark on the gate... that's never happened Thalia."

It was true. Yoongi worked as one of the Chief Angels, that kept records of every single malfunction of the gate... he would know if something like this happened before, and it hadn't. 

"I'll keep watch tomorrow, okay? I promise I'll alert someone if I see it happening again," My voice quivered slightly under Yoongi's eyes, they were staring straight into me.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow night, get some rest"

T H E   N E X T   D A Y

Taking my normal stance at the west wing, I noticed the atmosphere was different. It felt as if there were no other Angels on duty, nobody was around the corner, giving me judging looks. It was as if everyone had gone home and had better things to do.

Everything was quiet, inspection was uneventful, and I had never been more bored. 

On my lunch break, I sat in the cafeteria surrounded by other Angels, that had no idea I as the only person guarding the Underworld.

"Can all Angels guarding the gates of the Underworld report to the west wing now." My bosses voice, breaks through the intercom and my fear rises. What if he had found out about the hole I nearly didn't close?

Nevertheless, I rose from my seat and huffed as everyone watched me with curiosity. The walk from the cafeteria to the west wing was quick, too quick.

When I arrived at the scene, it was pandemonium. Fifteen Angels were at the scene, all huddled around each other with... clipboards? I walked to the center and noticed what everyone was looking at.

It was the dent in the wall, and it was slightly bigger than yesterday. But this time it wasn't glowing and there were no strange brown eyes... it was inactive. I could tell straight away that this hole was going to cause me some problems.

"Who was on duty here yesterday?" My bosses' voice booms over all the chatters.

All of the Angels pause, and turn directly in my direction, their eyes frozen like glass beads... glaring at me.

"Miss Thalia? Care to explain?" 

Oh crap.

"Well, uh...", if I tell them about the brown eye I saw, they'll call me crazy, "I... its a funny story actually. I nearly fell asleep on duty and then before I did, I freaked out and my magic just... exploded!.. yes exploded. I must've dented the wall, I apologize."

I'm sure my face was bright red, my palms sweating profusely and my eyes twitching... but for some reason I felt compelled to not give the real reason for why the dent was there. Perhaps it was just my stupidity coming through, but I already got given enough judgement here and more of it was certainly not needed.

The eyes of the male cohort of Angels rolled their eyes, their prejudice extending when they muttered words like, "see? This is why we don't let women guard the gates."

Sexist pigs.

I kept my job, and that's all that matters to me. Or is it? 

2  D A Y S  L A T E R

Work has been the same level of silent, yet every now and then an Angel would glance over, to make sure I didn't 'explode with magic' again. 

As the day progressed however, I started to feel quite on edge and not very safe. I couldn't get too close to the wall, because it felt like it could collapse at any moment.

Then, I heard a hissing sound, coming from the wall, like it was burning up. It was the dent... which had become a hole again, but instead of the burgundy color, a hand extended from the hole, tightly gripping a piece of parchment... with words... extended to me.

I ran to the hole, and stopped instantaneously, doubting myself before grabbing the parchment. I then move my left hand towards the hole, about to focus on destroying the arm, but it was gone, and the hole sealed before another Angel could turn up. And now, I had a note with a message on it;


hell's coming for you

shit. sounds like a blast.

That's chapter one everybody! This is my new Jungkook fan fiction, and to be honest, I've been planning it for a while! I plan to update at least once a week, so stay tuned for more!

(EDITED 05/04/19)

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