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T H A L I A ' S   P O V .

I was lead back out into the same corridor again, and hustled down several passage ways, before finally reaching some more doors. The six boys stopped in front of the door anxiously and looked around at each other, as if they were scared. With a huff, Namjoon stepped out of the crowd, and carefully opened the doors.

It was a humongous Throne room. The floor was expertly tiled with Ancient mosaics stolen from the Greeks, flashing with colors of blue, green and red. The room was held up by cream, marble columns, glittered with silver, yet again. 

At the center of it all was two thrones, one substantially smaller than the other, but grand nevertheless. Sitting upon the larges throne was the legend himself.


His face looked almost paper thin, creased below his eyes and on his forehead. His eyes looked like a glowing fire, and automatically gave myself a dull headache. His eyes glinted with recognition upon landing on me, and his eyes turned brown - almost pitch black. His stance was the definition of danger and centuries worth of violence. I could see why all the Angels called him 'death'- he even smelt like lifelessness.

Then there was the person on the throne next to him.

He had dark black hair, that hung and framed his face - a face that must be worth a million dollars. He looked slightly younger than the people I had met earlier in the day, yet his figure seemed more dangerous than the others, his aura something not to be messed with. He looked amazing, for a demon.

But what startled me the most was his eyes. They were the deepest red I had ever seen, yet my mind felt at complete ease when I got lost in them.

That wasn't normal for an Angel.

At all.

"Thalia, yes?" That booming voice could only have belonged to Hades.

I look around to the boys that had came with me, but they just stared back with no emotion, all now standing uniform behind me. I turn back and face 'death'.

"Yes, that's - uh - me." I stutter slightly, cursing my awkwardness internally.

"I am very sure that you wish to know exactly why I have ordered to have you taken form heaven and brought here to my Kingdom, the Underworld. I know you have many questions, however let me start with the introductions. I am sure you know I am Hades, but here, next to me, is my only son and heir to my throne, Jungkook." 

I stare back at the man on the other throne, he looks down on me and smirks slightly, his eyes still growing the brightest red. He stays silent and composed, although it seems as if he is fighting himself.

"You may ask some questions if you'd like." Hades says, alarmingly polietly, which goes against any stereotype we were ever given of the God.

I start with the most recent question that has been irritating me; "I-I'm quite confused, I must admit. As an Angel, we are repelled and faced with pain when we see the red eyes of a demon. But - uh - your son, his eyes are so red, yet I do not feel any pain whatsoever. Why is that?" I try to sound calm and collected, I couldn't imagine the wrath of Hades if I were to make him mad.

"A very good question indeed. If any other angel was to meet there son, they would be met with pain, however you are much more different than all the other Angels. Let me explain you're purpose for being here. When Zeus and myself had fallen out, a prophecy was revealed to me that Zeus would have a distant relative in the future, an Angel, that would be powerful, and healthy to rule the underworld with her destined mate, my only son." 

That was one hell of a revelation. This time I don't think I can conceal my anger, cause this wasn't just a piece of news, this was a life-changer. The guy next to Hades looks hot, but he comes across as a dick. Why do I have no say in this?

"What the hell?" Now I look at Yoongi, "You befriended me for this? This is what you betrayed me for?" 

His face seems apologetic, I'm not sure if I'm convinced though.

"It's for the best Thalia. In heaven nobody noticed you did they? Didn't it feel like hell up there, you were ignored and they were biased towards women, making you nothing but a guard with a simple minded job. I know its all a shock, but remember when I met you those months ago, and I remember you saying that when we spoke it was the first time you had smiled in years. Down here, you can stay with me and meet all these amazing people - a place where you will be looked up upon by the whole of the Underworld. Don't you want that?" He replies.

"You know it wasn't fair up there, but that doesn't mean it will be perfect down here, it is hell after all. Maybe if you had told me about it all Yoongi, maybe then I would've willingly came through the gate with you and Hoseok. Despite you're methods of getting me here, did you think I would just fall into this guy's arms and declare me undying love for him, I need to know them first. You of all people would know this Yoongi." I almost shout back.

"Enough. I understand that this may come to a shock to you-" Hades starts, but to be honest I've got nothing to lose, so I interrupt him carelessly - like an idiot - and turn to Jungkook;

"And you! Silent throughout all of this crap being thrown upon me. Haven't you got anything to say, an explanation perhaps." I shout, my eyes glowing slightly due to the spontaneous increase in emotion.

He just looks at me, with the same smirk.

"Well?" I ask. By this time Hades is now looking at his son, interested to see what his son's response will be.

"It's nice to meet you Princess."

A/N: Finished, seventh chapter up soon, hopefully, 

Georgie xxx

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