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T H A L I A ' S  P O V .

We walked towards the car, all climbing in the back.
The driver was a tall weedy demon, blood red eyes glaring into the rear view mirror. The car door slams shut and without a sound the engine starts up and the car speeds off with uncharted power, towards the direction of the looming Palace in the distance. I turn to Hoseok, curious about his eye colour, it was abnormal for a demon,

"Hey... Hoseok?"


"Why are your eyes not red? You're a demon, aren't you?" I ask 

"I'm part of the high ranks, so I have some extra powers on the side, compared to an average demon. As we know, the red eyes are what causes pain to Angels. And. me being the amazingly kind demon I am, didn't want to hurt you! Aren't I just the best?" Hoseok is talking to me as if we were life long pals, and to be honest its kind of frightening. 

"Yeah, sure... whatever." 

It was at this point I realized that I hadn't really put up much of a fight when the two idiots took me. Although I'm not sure I could do much against two demons, probably not even one. I seem to weak as fuck.

T I M E   M O V I N G   F O R W A R D  

The 50 mile drive felt like 5, as we zoomed passed the grief stricken souls clambering around the streets and the preying demons carting off hundreds of slaves to their destiny, we were practically already there.
We had reached the entrance of the Palace within minutes and were now stopping at the gates. The driver glances at the Guard and nods, pressing a button by the side of the gate, letting it open and allowing us to drive straight on, to what seemed to be an underground garage.

The car came to a halt, after the driver spent 3 minutes huffing in annoyance over his parking space and its awkward placement. I waited impatiently for Yoongi to get his ass out so I could escape from my claustrophobic thoughts. We walked out of the Garage and was finally met with the exterior of the Palace.

The towers were tall and seemed to watch our every move, like a hawk. Vines clung to the black brick wall of the immense building, and hid some of the windows from view. A large fountain was centered in front of the Palace, spurting a red liquid in a spiral pattern into a deeper pool of red. In the underworld, water was coloured red, as opposed to the light green we had in Heaven. 

Behind the fountain stood two large oak doors, with silver decorations twisting ostentatiously around the grooves. Who knew Hades was a fan of elegance?  

"What happens now?" I look at Hoseok, he's looking around excitedly;

"Should we report straight to Hades, or can she meet the others first, well not with Kookie of course, I presume Hades will want to see that." Hoseok gushes, ignoring me and staring at Yoongi intensely. 

"I guess we can meet with the others, it would be better if she gets to know everyone first. Just hope it doesn't piss Hades off." Yoongi grumbles an grabs my hand again, leading us to the Palace and through the doors.

We hurry through what looked like the reception, which was abandoned and deadly silent, and then we dodge a few of the openly lit corridors, as if they were trying to hid me from someone. Hoseok pulls the phone out of hi pocket again, and places by his ear, engaging in an in-depth conversation of sorts;

"Yeah, I hear you. Kookie isn't with you right? ... Good, good. He's gonna be gone for a while right? ...yes,  I can't wait to see you too Hyung."

Who is this 'Kookie' guy anyway? Pretty dumb name if you ask me. 

We stop at a considerably smaller door, however still covered in silver decorations. The small silver plaque on the door wrote; 'Knights of Hell', which sounded almost as cheesy as 'Kookie.'

"Is this your club's headquarters or something?" I say sarcastically. 

"Yeah, very funny Thalia." Yoongi snorts.

Hoseok opens the door and I'm dragged inside. 

The room was huge, and looked like a games room and a living room in two. At the center was a large rectangular table with 8 chairs, 4 of them currently filled - with red eyed demons... looking right at me.

Which hurt like a bitch.

This time however, the pain was much more unbearable than before, it was if the full force of being an Angel in hell was really pressing down on me. And so I fell, and almost stabbed my fingernails into me head, my eyes glowing a bright white, as I tried to heal the pain away from myself... but duh, I'm disconnected from heaven, so of course my power wouldn't be of much help right now.

"Shit! Red eyes you idiots, you knew we were bringing her over here first!" Yoongi shouts at the four men, before pulling me up from the floor and assessing my condition. The pain slowly disappears, and I am turned round and faced with 5 pairs of concerned brown eyes, lowering my stress levels.

A tall man, with chestnut brown hair walks to the front of the group and holds his hand out; "I sincerely apologize for our actions, we obviously forgot that you were an Angel. My name's Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin like everybody else." I take his hand, and he gives me a heart warming smile. He seemed nicer than Hoseok, kind of gave off a calmer vibe.

Jin stepped back, and pushed another tall person forward - curse my damn shortness - his hair being an ash blonde, concealed by a baseball cap; "Umm, Kim Namjoon, kind of the boss around here I guess. I hope you enjoy your time here." He offers a smile and then walked back. 

The next to greet me, was the shortest among the group, but probably the most good looking, and certainly the cutest. "Park Jimin's the name! They call me Mochi, but don't call me that I  hate it-", he turns to the others glaring, "-but you can call me Jiminie if you must." He smiles shyly and then turns back, muttering something to the last man, before pushing him forward.

The last man almost looked as if he was away with the fairies, his childlike features were timeless and certainly un-characteristic of a demon; "TAEHYUNG KIM! So happy to finally meet you Thalia, can I call you Lia? You can call me TaeTae if you'd like, they all do it anyways." His voice sounded much more eager than the others, and I thought that if I was to stay here forever, Taehyung would be closest to me.

"Of course you've known me for 5 months, and Hoseok of course is well, Hoseok." Yoongi states.

"You say I've known you for 5 months Yoongi, but right now I don't think that's true. Do I finally get to know why I'm actually here and why you went to all that trouble to make a hole in my damn wall. When I get back, its gonna take months to fix." Some of my anger had finally started to raise when I turned to Hoseok. I had met all these random people, that seemed nice, but that didn't mean that I wouldn't want to go back home, even if it was shitty.

"We will head to see Hades now, he can explain everything to you I'm sure. I wouldn't worry about the wall Thalia, if everything goes according to plan, you won't ever see it again." Hoseok replies.

A/N: At this point, I am only writing this story for myself, and as weird as it sounds, I'm actually loving this story lol. I must be bored.

Georgie xxx

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