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T H A L I A ' S P O V .

I think we had nearly finished our journey, because I could see the shore already. It was incredibly barren, with nothing but what looked like a toll booth glaring out to the black sea. As we approached it, I noticed a dark ashen face staring out of the window, with glowing red eyes burning me, I could feel pain.
Because I was an Angel. I obviously didn't remember the pain a Demon can cause for an Angel, I must've forgotten since Hoseok had brown eyes.

My thoughts were put to a stop when we hit the bank with a shove. "Okay everybody follow after me, Thalia, I recommend that you do not say anything."
At this point the pain was a colossal headache, digging into the sides of my brain. I guess it wasn't going to stop.
We follow Hoseok to the toll booth, Yoongi walking behind me, his hand in the small of my back as if I was a criminal walking to Jail.

"We wish to enter back through the Underworld, with an extra person please." Hoseok's voice had dropped an octave as he spoke, signifying that the situation we were in was serious.
The red eyes now land on me, the pain intensifying slightly.
"What is this Angel's purpose here? You will need a valid reason, so that she can enter." The demon's voice was dark and scratchy, irritating me like hell.
"We were sent by Hades himself on this mission to retrieve the prophet, I was told you alone were to be informed on this?" Hoseok replies confidently.
"Oh yes, o-of course. Please come through, I hope that you're journey is safe. Long live the king!" The demon croaks, and then the window to the toll booth is slammed shut with a nasty creak.

"So what's this about a Prophet? Will you now tell me why I am here?" I ask as we walk through the Underworld's defences and towards the actual centre of the place.
"You will find out soon, we don't have much ground to cover until we reach the Palace." Hoseok replies.
"Wait... palace?"
"Now you've done it Hope, you fucking idiot." Yoongi catches on to Hoseok's shitty explanation.

"Well you're going to have to tell me something now you spurted that."
We've stopped by now and are standing just outside the entrance to the City.
"You have been requested by Hades himself." Yoongi fesses up first, so Hoseok can't reveal everything like before.
"That doesn't really help, as long as I don't get killed... I guess it can't be as bad as it was up there, right?" I say.
"Jesus, how bad is it in Heaven?" Hoseok laughs.

"Bad. Now move, let's just get on with whatever the hell is going to happen to me." I huff and move forward, the other two scrambling after me.

The city wasn't how I had expected it.
It was infested with black skyscrapers and crowded with souls in limbo and demons walking round like regular humans, as if they weren't in an eternity of fire ruled by the cruelest God to come out of Olympus. The sun burned a deep red, creating a permanent sunset on the city, and a resounding 30 degrees heat.

Of course not all of the city looked dark and almost desirable. To the right of us, was what we call in heaven an 'Angel Farm'; a place where demons would harvest an Angel's power and sell it to high ranking demons. Our power was like blood to a Vampire, which is what worried me. I could hear the screams of Angels as soon  as we entered the City, but my mind would have to block it out.

'Angel Farms' were originally banned by Zeus as a total crime against the cosmos, but when Hades rebelled he allowed everything Zeus had banned, thus making 'Angel Farms' a popular workplace among demons.

I feel Yoongi push me to the left side of the path, most likely sensing my discomfort of the farm to the right. "How long will it take Hoseok?" Hoping that we will be there soon, the City wasn't very pleasant.
"We are about 50 miles away from the Palace itself. I suggest that you stay close to us, I'm going to call the Palace driver to see if we can get there sooner."
Hoseok pulls out a small metallic device the humans called a phone - in Heaven phones weren't necessary - and dialled a number quickly, heading off the side of the path with the phone stuck to his ear.

"You know I'm still you're friend right Thalia?" Yoongi looks towards me.
"I know, but what else are you hiding from me, next minute you're gonna tell me I come from a 'long lost family and have a brother that will save me fro t he shit I'm in'." I say back. I admit I probably sounded like a bitch, but it was he who was hiding things from me.

Yoongi almost freezes at what I say, as if I was completely correct.
"Wait, am I right?" I was just saying that for the hell of it, I didn't think I actually had a brother or anything.
"I have a brother don't I? Is that why we're here? If he's a demon then I want nothing to do with him, you would know that." I state.

"No, no, he's not here, that's not why you're here. I can't tell you about your brother... I don't know anything about him myself. I guess you'll have to find him for yourself when all this is over." Yoongi covers up his mess.
"Damn you're ambiguity."

It now felt almost surreal and very sudden to be told I had relatives somewhere, it was a bit weird that I wouldn't know this.
"The cars on its way."

Hoseok walks back towards us, noticing the increasing tension between Yoongi and I. "What happened now?" He asked.
"She knows about her brother, how long will the car be?" Yoongi mutters .

"Hmph, and you call me idiot, I'm not the only person spilling the beans. I wish I was doing this mission with Taehyung; he's vague he probably wouldn't even know that he was betraying someone. The car should be here now." Hoseok turns to the right and just as he spoke, the car we had been waiting for, arrived.

A/N: Finished, Georgie xx

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