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T H A L I A 'S   P O V


Hell's coming for you

What the hell did this mean? I don't know anyone in the Underworld that could possibly know my name, let alone have the motive to want to kidnap me. This might've been the reason why Yoongi looked so concerned for me, so does that mean he would know the person that gave me the note, does he have connections with the underworld? To be honest I feel like i wouldn't be surprised if he did, he can be ambiguous at times.

As scary as this message seemed, it felt as if there was no way, this 'demon', would be able to make a hole so big for him to fit through, unless he had the help of Hades himself... which was doubtful to say the least. I wasn't going to mention this to Yoongi, it would only worry him, and I was certain this was only an empty promise, it wouldn't happen.

4   D A Y S  L A T E R  {P R E S E N T   T I M E}

Okay, so it may have been a stupid idea to keep that note to myself.
A bright red band of smoke zipped its way through the air, leaking with dark magic. The dent was replaced with the wall's bricks crumbling like a digestive biscuit except it was much bigger than a snack.
It was half the wall.
And there was a man on the other side.

Thick vines of smoke cascaded down the ambiguous man's arms, and it felt like they were whispering to each other in Ancient tongues.

The man was equally intriguing. His black hair was dyed a suspicious brown and red colour, his roots suggesting a lack of commitment. Brown eyes. They were most certainly the ones I had seen a week ago, however this time they held a glint of determination in them.
However, the man's rainbow sweater did make his whole appearance kind of anti climatic.
I was expecting something... a little more... badass?

The man's actions, however, made me change my mind completely.
He was very certainly walking my way, and his determination had turned into fury.

Me, being the idiot I am, was still regretfully sitting against the other wall, watching the peculiar man as he dusts off non-existent pieces of wall from his psychedelic sweater.
I could only presume this was what the letter meant by, 'hell's coming for you'...

In the form of a rainbow-clad man. 

"Um.. Hi?" My awkwardness got the better of me, as I mumbled the greeting. Rainbow man chuckles and stops at my sitting figure, waiting for me to do something... my job perhaps? My head shifts back into gear and I jump up, surprising the man making him take a couple of steps back. 

"I'm gonna have to ask you to go back through the wall sir," I keep my calm... reaching into my pockets, to grab the alarm button which has never been used. The man chuckles yet again, his eyes catching on to my hands,

"You got my note right? You're Thalia right? I know I haven't made a mistake. I wouldn't bother looking for that 'Angel Alarm' thingy, I had Yoongi remove it from your coat last week." 

Wait... "Yoongi?" I realize that nothing was in my pocket, and then glare at the man.

"Yeah, you know you're 'friend' Yoongi, guy was helping me out. I can't do everything from the confines of hell."

That's when I feel hands wrap around my mouth from behind me, muttering Latin incantations, thus putting me to sleep, my mind knowing one thing,

that person behind me was most certainly Yoongi... and I couldn't trust him.

A  L I T T L E  W H I L E  L A T E R

My eyes slowly open, adjusting to the lack of light in the room I find myself in, laying on a  dusted couch that wasn't mine, because I don't own one. I'm poor, for an Angel that is.

"Jeez you sleep like a Horse Thalia. Almost as bad as Hobi." Yoongi laughs down at me, as if nothing had happened God knows how long ago.

"What the hell Yoongi? You and that rainbow guy better not have taken me through that bloody wall." Despite the overwhelming sense of nausea that threatened me, I jumped straight off the couch and gave Yoongi an angry look. Then the door to my right opens, and the same guy comes in from earlier.

"My name's Hoseok, not rainbow guy. And yes, you are now in the underworld... in transit to be precise." 

That's when my eyes glance around the room. It looked almost like what the humans would call a hostel, or a human trafficking center... neither of them really sounded good to me. The walls were black and almost cracking from the hellish temperatures of the underworld. Taking a better look at the couch I was previously laying on, I notice there are many cracks in the leather and dents from all the people that were previously in 'transit'.

"What do you mean, 'in transit'?" Now I start asking the important questions.

"There are a few stages until we actually step foot 'in' hell." Hoseok scratches the back of his head, and looks to Yoongi for a more in depth explanation,

"We have to wait here, before catching a boat, and then we have to ask for permission to enter... which will be easy when they see you." Yoongi's explanation doesn't really help, it just makes it worse. 

I brush off his ambiguity, now I'm focused on Yoongi and our now questionable friendship due to  his betrayal. "Why Yoongi? Why are you helping this weird guy so he can most likely do some weird shit with me? You know how demons like purity of Angels, why the hell would you let me even near him. Are you even an Angel? Because it sure as hell doesn't feel like you are one to me." I rant.

"I'm a high ranking demon, cloaked by Hades himself in order to carry out this task, with Hoseok, my friend." What the hell? How in the heavens could the whole entire population of heaven not know who was actually guarding all the information of Heaven's security?

I mean, I didn't even know and he was the only person that cared about me. But then again, that was probably a facade as well. "So you talking to me was just part of the plan too? So why did you tell me to stay away form the hole in the wall then?" I question.

"It was at first part of my mission to make contact with you, but you're not a bad person Thalia and I guess you kinda grew on me. Just know that I don't hate you, I know what I did to you seems like a bad thing, but soon you'll see it really isn't that bad."  

"Could you at least be a little less cryptic Yoongi? As far as I know, you- and a stranger- have taken me against my will to the UNDERWORLD. Some explanation is needed now, not 'with time'." I shout right back, with more irritation in my words. Why was nobody telling me anything?

"Sorry to interrupt this lovely conversation of yours, but the boats here." Hoseok says.

A/N; The second chapter has been updated, and the third should soon follow.

Many thanks, 

GiGi xxx

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