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T H A L I A ' S   P O V .

We arrived at a clearly abandoned warehouse, covered in Ancient Greek letters, that red protection spells, to conceal the portal form the human eye. Human's knew of our existence, yet the power to move between dimensions would cause a massive uprising between the humans and the Gods, which is something I don't ever want to see.

"Where can we go first Jin hyung?" Jimin asks.

"How about the beach. I mean it doesn't really matter, everything is a new experience for Thalia." Jin smiles back and we walk out the warehouse and to the car, which just so happens to be conveniently placed in front of the empty lot.

S K I P  T O  T H E  B E A C H

I laugh as Hoseok, sprayed the water gun at my head, making me clumsily dodge it and fall further into the water, good thing I brought an extra pair of clothes. It had felt like I was with friends for the first time in forever, and it didn't feel like I was prancing around with demons. Despite the situation that had face me the past couple of days, I currently felt okay.

The yellow sun had hit its apex, as it shone down onto the gentle ripples of saltwater we danced in, as if we hadn't a care in the world.  The beach was warm, and smelled of the whispered legends of the ocean... poetic, I know.

"Aigoo!" I shout as Taehyung cannon balls right next to me interrupting my thoughts, his rectangular smile emerging from the water moments later. I glance out to the shore where Namjoon and Jin sitting, guarding our possessions as if they were our parents. 

The atmosphere is lively, people push around to get their place on the sand, ignorant to the demons playing in their waters. Which is what really reminded me of the beauty of human nature. They had no fears, because they didn't understand, they couldn't see. It makes you wonder what it feels like to only know your species, only know your world.

"Lia! Help me!" My thoughts are pulled from me yet again, as Taehyung pulls me through the water awkwardly and uses my body as a shield from Yoongi, who seems to be thrashing towards us, getting water all in my eyes carelessly.

"Hey Tae, fight that on your own. I don't know about you but I could probably do with a snack." Taehyung nods, and we both run to safety, which is far away from the tornado of water, Yoongi was emitting. As we reached Jin, he pulled blankets over us, Tae's teeth chattering like a hypochondriac.  

"Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi! Come on, lets get some food, before one of you faints from starvation like last time."  Namjoon shouts walking towards the sea clumsily, tripping half way there - I could see why the others called him 'God of destruction'. He had already broke the wind breaker earlier on. 

When we arrived at the Cafe, the waiter had to pull two tables together, in order to fit all our fat asses together. We all ordered various concoctions, some of which were unheard of to me, and now we were sitting huddled together talking about Jungkook.

"I know he seems like a dick, but - ", Namjoon starts before Jin interrupts him, "language!".

"Sorry hyung. But, he is probably the dorkiest among all of us, you just have to wait for him to show you Kookie, not dark prince Jungkook and all that jazz." I had never heard Namjoon talk so much, but he seemed like quite a supportive guy, which was nice to know.

"Yeah we may fight, but my brother does have a heart, among all that blackness Hades had bestowed upon him." Jimin laughs, the loudest he ever had. Maybe he was more confident than I had actually thought.

"I'm just not really sure, you know? You all seem like nice people, but you did kind of just take me from my home. I can't except everything so easily." I counter, and my statement was final, the guys didn't try to question me about it any further, which I appreciated. 

I looked around at the boys I was spending the day with, and noticed Yoongi. He was sitting the furthest away from me, as if he didn't dare try to spark up a conversation with me. I think what Hades had said really got to him; I wasn't 100 per cent sure how important souls were to demons, but I think I had heard that they sustained a demon's power.

I now had a feeling that Yoongi and I wouldn't speak much now, and I knew that I would miss the level of friendship we had before, even after what he did.  

After finishing, we took a lot around the city, the guys called 'Busan'. The sun had already started to set, as we peered through the shop windows before going in to try on a ridiculously priced piece of clothing, that would make us laugh at how stupid it looked. So we walked back to the beach where we had made many new memories, and started to make a campfire in the now abandoned stretch of land. The sun shone rays of orange and red, down on the water, making the atmosphere warm.

Namjoon and Hoseok barreled logs from the far side of the sure and put them around the pile of stick Taehyung had previously went on a hunt for. 

Jin had gone to the convenient store to pick up something called 'marshmallows' and a 'biscuit' thing, which the boys had assured me would be the best food I had ever tasted. So, here we all sat, laughing at Jin who was walking across the sand like a penguin. He eventually reaches us, a bag full of mini white clouds in tow. 

"So first you place your marshmallow on the skewer and hold it above the fire," Hoseok passes me the skewer, and I follow the steps, "And then we wait for a minute or two." After such time, Taehyung, snatches my skewer from me, and puts two biscuits either side of the marshmallow, pulling it off the skewer and shoving it in my face; "SMORE!" He shouts, eager to hear my first impressions.

It tasted Amazing. "Well? Good?" Tae asks.

"Brilliant Tae, definitely something they should have served at my cafeteria." We all laugh.

By now everyone was engaged in their own little conversations, leaving Jimin and I on the side lines. I thought about how I had been kind to Jimin last night, and thought maybe he could return the favor by helping me.

"Hey, Jimin? Can talk to you about something? It's a little weird, but I don't think I can keep it to myself." I turn towards him, speaking in a slightly lower tone, so to not catch the other people's interest.

"Of course, what is it?" Jimin answers back, looking excited to finally be really involved in something.

"I had a dream last night, about my brother." He nods, urging me to continue.

"It seemed as if he was trying to communicate with me, and he told me that I was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. He then told me that Zeus hid me in heaven, because he feared Hades would take me for his son. But then the connection was cut off and I felt a jolt of pain before waking up. What confuses me is, if I'm not an Angel, but a Goddess, where did all my power go? And most importantly, how can I contact my brother again?"

Jimin looked slightly shocked at all the new information I had thrown at him, "Maybe Zeus concealed your powers in something. When my mother and I were hiding from Hades, she would put my powers in a gemstone, so I couldn't be detected."

"So maybe, if I try to contact my brother, he could tell me where my powers are hidden right?" I ask, glad that some of my questions were finally being answered. 

"Yes, I'm sure that would work. When you go to sleep tonight, try your best to visualize what you have seen of your brother, him being a God should make it easy for him to realize you are trying to make a connection and he should reach out to you again." Jimin says, after a minute of deep thought. The guy was much smarter than I had originally thought. 

 "What was the last thing your brother said to you?"

"I'm comi-. I think he is coming to Hell."  

A/N : The end of chapter ten, yay !

son of hades . | jungkook .Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora