Chapitre un: New start

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*Makenzi's POV*

Today I'm coming back and facing my fear of having to explain why I left so suddenly, without even saying goodbye to my friends. Especially Ethan. God, he must hate me now... But maybe it's for the best? I'm just not ready to open up to anyone. Not even him.

For the past year, I've been living with my aunt. My parents were always working, you see, and they didn't think I was mature enough to look after myself. But now I'm finally 17 and I managed to convince them to let me go back home for my senior year. What was I thinking?!

I so did not think this through.

What if they ask questions I can't answer? What if I'm way behind the other students? I'm so totally screwed. Oh well, it's not the first time I've done something without thinking of the consequences.

I'll just cross that bridge when I get there.


So this was it! My first day back. Nothing had really changed though. It was like I never even left.

But I did.

Walking into the main office, I noticed it had changed a little. It looked more modern now. It still had the same uncomfortable, white chairs in the waiting room but the glass doors were new. The whole area looked simple, yet classy. There was a white desk where the secretary sat, waiting. She was a young woman with honey blonde hair, big blue eyes and a wide smile.

Somebody gave her candy today.

She looked like she was in her early 20's and had a happy, cheerful aura around her. It was like you couldn't help but be happy too. I instantly felt a liking towards her.

When she saw me her smile widens, which I didn't think was even possible.

"Hello dear, how may I help you today?" she greeted me with a welcoming smile.

"Uhhh... Hi. I'm Makenzi Williams. I'm new and I came for my schedule?" I told her with a nervous smile.

"Okay honey, hold on a second. Williams, Williams, Williams, Willia- aha!" she exclaimed. "Williams, Makenzi- there you go sweetheart. Have a good first day and if you need anything, you know where to find me." she said with a kind smile.

I gave her a smile and a nod. Walking out of the main office, I looked at my schedule.

"Okay, I have English, Math, Art, Science, lunch, Study Hall and P.E." I read outloud. I gave an exasperated sigh. "Great..." I huffed, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

English class was uneventful. The teacher had introduced herself and went over the rules of her classroom. I just tuned her out and started thinking about what was to come.

When I got to Math class, it was empty. I was quite happy with that because it meant I got to pick my own seat. I picked one at the very back of the class because I didn't really want to be noticed. I was just sitting down, doing my own thing, when he came in.


When I saw him it was like seeing a ghost. He caught me looking at him and stared at me, confusion in my eyes. I could see he was trying to figure out if it really was me. I couldn't blame him, I had changed a lot in the past year. I guess you could say I went through puberty.

I used to be the kind of girl that didn't have a body- I used to be flat chested. I also grew my hair out a little and wore a little makeup, just to make my eyes shine.

He looked at me for a second but then took a seat next to some other guy but every now and then he would glance at me. To be honest, I was getting kind of uncomfortable.

Thankfully, the teacher came in and introduced himself as Mr. Turner. He then said he wanted to get to know us so he told us that we had to introduce ourselves and say something about us.

One by one people started to talk about themselves and when Ethan's turn came, he just said his name and that he was the captain of the soccer team. I wasn't really surprised though. He was the best soccer player I knew and I was so happy he got what he had always wanted. After everyone else had introduced themselves, it was my turn. All I said was," My name is Makenzi and I've just moved back here from California."

That's all I had to say for Ethan to turn pale as death. His eyes held so much confusion and emotion. I sat down and averted my glance but he kept looking at me.

When the bell finally rang and class ended, I flew out of there. Too bad I had short legs, because soon I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. I knew who it was before I turned around.

Ethan, of course.


{Edited by: DiabolicalCats}

So, first chapter huh? I know it's kinda boring but it needs to be so the story develops. The next chapter there will be a catfight and we will also introduce KATERINA and the other boys ;) Bear with me and I promise you won't be dissapointed. If you see any mistakes point them out and we will gladly fix them.

-Cinamon & Peanut Butter

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