C H A P T E R 2

726 23 0

~Naruto’s POV~

    I wake up from our nap, only to see Sasuke is still sleeping with me trapped in his arms.  I twist around a bit to catch a glance the alarm clock.  Iris should be getting off the bus in a few minutes.  I wiggle myself away from Sasuke, who groans a bit, and I plant a kiss on his head before trying to find my clothes scattered all around our room.  When I finish getting dressed I open the door and close it softly behind me.

    When I get in the kitchen I see Iris coloring something.  “When did you come home?”  I asked him ruffling his hair a bit.  “Um, five minutes ago?”  He respond trying to fix his hair.  So I made us a snack while we talked about his day.  Then Athena came marching into the kitchen with Alice.  “Hey Mister Naruto, are you okay?”  Alice says after I look up.  “Um, yeah?”  I say, not really knowing what they were asking me.

    They both sigh and slump into a chair at the table.  “Naruto, where’s my sweatshirt?”  Sasuke says sleepily, with his clothes on, mind you.  “I’m wearing it…”  I say joyfully and I stand up, and he grins.  “You have, God knows how many sweatshirts and you decide to wear mine?”  He says pulling me in for a hug and kissing the top my head, making me blush a bit.

    He lets me go to grab a water bottle from the fridge, and walks out.  “Hey, Alice!”  He says in the living room.  “Do your homework.”  I say and walk into the living room to join Sasuke on the couch.  I plop on the couch and snuggle next to him or more like into him.  “Put on 9-1-1, please?  Also I need the bracelet…”  I say looking on the coffee table for my bracelet, but Sasuke grabbed my wrist and was already putting it on me.  After he grabs the remote and puts on my requested show.

    “Have you met Jacob yet?”  I ask my husband after a while, nuzzling my nose in the crook of his neck.  “Hn.”  He responds, leaning his head on mine.  “Well, I like him.”  I say waiting for a response.  “Why?”  He asks coolly, pulling away to look me in the face.  I get flustered under his stare.  “U-um, w-well he seemed nice when I talked to him- Hey!  Stop it!!”  I try to finish what I’m saying but Sasuke’s face turned into his famous smirk and started planting kisses all over me, which was ticklish.

    “I give!  I give!”  I say trying to push him away, and he finally stops pouting a bit.  So I give him a kiss and turn my attention to the TV.  “Dad?  Can you braid my hair?”  Athena says walking into the living room with Alice reading a book behind her.  “Sure.”  I say positioning my body so I can lean on Sasuke but can braid Athena’s hair.

    My fingers start flowing in her hair starting to make a braid.  “Whatcha readin’ Alice?”  I say glancing at the girl sitting on the ground.  “The Hunger Games.”  She says grinning, and I frown, not recognizing the title.  “Okay, so the story is about…”  Athena starts explaining the whole story line to us and Sasuke turns to me trying to braid my short, blonde hair.  

    By the time the story is finished I  completed Athena’s hair that had a bunch of little french braids on the sides trailing down to the bottom of her head, where there is a bunch of braids intertwined together.  Then in my hair there is just a big knot.  “Wow, Mister Naruto you should be a stylist!”  Alice says looking at my handy work.

    “Teme!  What did you do?!”  I say trying to unravel the knot in my hair.  “A masterful braid.”  He says looking proud of himself and I groan.  “No wander Sakura asked me to braid her hair, you can’t braid for crap!  Excuse my french, ladies.”  I say and the two girls giggle.  “I’d love to stick around but I got to head home.”  Alice says laughing a bit still, and she packed her stuff up.  When she was leaving the house and Sasuke yelled in unison;

    “Stay in school!” and her response was, “No promises!!” making us all laugh.

~time skip~

    Sasuke and I were laying on our bed after Athena and Iris went to sleep and we did our duties.  We were laying there just relaxing, Sasuke running his hand through my now untangled hair.  It was peaceful.  I look up and give Sasuke one more kiss before snuggling up to him and falling asleep.  Sasuke cradling me into his chest and sticking his face in my hair before falling asleep too.

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