C H A P T E R 5

456 14 2

~Sasuke’s POV~

    Sakura’s visit was unnerving.  I’m pretty sure she is up to something.  Or she might want something from me and/or Naruto.  I look over at the sleeping Dobe and sigh.  He doesn’t need any stress.  I pull him into my arms and bury my face in his blonde hair.  He mumbles something incoherent to me.  I’m about to fall back to sleep when the alarm clock blares.


    I untangle myself from the blonde to turn it off.  When I turn back I see the Dobe rubbing his eyes.  “Good morning, sunshine.”  I say and kiss his forehead, and he groans.  “I just wanna sleep in Sas’ke!!”  He says leaning on my chest.  I chuckle, and comb my hand through his hair.  “You need a shower, Dobe.”  I say and he tsks at me.  He lifts his head up and connect our lips.  When we disconnect and he says, “What do you want for breakfast?”  “Probably scrambled…  You!”  I say pouncing on him, and attacking his neck and tickling his side.  A roar of giggles and gasps erupted from him, making me smirk.  After awhile I get up from him and stretch my arms.  

    He rolls off the bed with a thud and he stands up after that.  “I should go, Hinata is probably waiting for me.”  He says, stretching too.  “Hn.”  I say and pull him in for another kiss making him dazed for a moment.  He soon runs out of the house, and me going to opposite direction.

~time skip~

    When we finally met back up at our house Naruto quickly goes back to bed.  I follow him and flop on the bed next to him.  I hear him groan when I hit the bed.  “You know that we have to get back up in a few hours.”  I hear him say under the covers.  I groan at the reminder as I cover myself with the covers only to see the dobe’s face.  He gives me a grin and kiss his nose.

    We should have went back to bed and gotten some more sleep but we just stayed under the covers and made out until the alarm went off again.  Naruto whines as I pull away from him and unbury myself from the covers.  I then pull him up with me.  “Will you make breakfast with me, teme?~”  Naruto asks me, his lips ghosting over mine.  It makes me shiver.

    “Ahh…  S-sure?”  I stammer and he turns around and skips out of our room.  “A minx in disguise…”  I say walk after him.  He is already in the kitchen pulling out supplies to what it looks like pancakes.  He starts pouring stuff in a big bowl, and I think of a plan to get him back for the stunt he pulled.

    I come up behind him and rub my nose on the crook of his neck, I feel him shiver and gasp lightly.  “What do you want me to do, my light?”  I murmur in his ear, nibbling at it a bit.  “Uh… P-probably wa-wake up the k-kids…”  He responds breathlessly, he leans back to me slightly.  I smirk at how easy it is to turn my husband into putty.  I give him light kiss on his neck before I leave him.  I hear him mumble curses as I walk away.

    I go to Iris’ room first since he is the easiest to wake up.  “Iris.  Iris?  Come on Dad is making pancakes…”  I say to him as I lightly shake him, his dark hair moving in his eyes.  I shake a bit more and he slowly opens his eyes, that look almost exactly like Naruto’s.  “Pancakes?”  He mumbles, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.  I chuckle and push his hair back to kiss his forehead.

    “Wake up your sister, Iris.”  I say before leaving his room, heading back to Naruto.  When I get back I see him cleaning up and a stack of pancakes on a plate in the middle of the table.  “You impress me every morning.”  I say walking up to him, and he puts the last of the dishes in the sink and turning to me.  He walks up to me and wraps his hands around my neck.

    “Why did you tease me?”  Naruto whines as we sway.  “You minx, you’re the tease.”  I say smirking leaning into his face, slightly.  “Is that why you married me?  ‘Cause you love my teasing?”  He says leaning in more.  “That and many more reasons, my sun.”  I murmur as I close the space between us.  I can’t go any farther when I hear a shout from the doorway.  “GAYYY!!”  Athena yells when she walks in, making us spilt apart and Naruto blushes while I smirk.

    “For that comment I might shave your hair while you sleep.”  I say to her as we sit down at the table.  Iris runs into the kitchen with his shirt on backwards.  “Can I help?!”  He almost yells while he sits at the table.  “Iris, quiet down and your shirt is backwards, honey.”  Naruto says while stacking him some pancakes on his plate.  Naruto gets up for orange juice.

    I switch my plate with his so his is empty while mine has pancakes and syrup on it.  He doesn’t notice until he is sitting and I ate a pancake already.  I hear Iris and Athena try to silence their giggles.  “Teme…”  Naruto whines, looking at me.  “What is it now, Dobe.”  I say with a blank expression on my face.  “You took my pancakes…”  He says trying to grab my(his) plate.  I shake my head and shove a fork-full of pancakes in his mouth.  He pouts but eats it and pouts, turning away from me.  I smirk at Iris and Athena before I turn his face to me.

    He face flushes as I lean in slightly.  “Never look away, Naruto.”  I whisper to him, and he gulps.  “I never, Sasuke.”  He says back, as I lean in but hands cover my lips.  Naruto grins at me with eyes sparkling slightly and growl a little.  Athena bursts out laughing so hard she started coughing.  She gets up puts her plate in the sink.  “I’m taking the bus!!”  She says as she walks out the door with her backpack.

    I look back at Naruto and raise an eyebrow, and he quickly tooks his hands off my mouth.  “Time to go, Iris.  Don’t wanna be late!!”  He says getting Iris’ plate putting it in the sink.  Before I know it I’m alone in the house, mostly likely on purpose.  I think of a plan for revenge.

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Wowie 1114 words!!  *pats back*
Lol, sorry the update took so long.
And I'm not sorry for the tooth rotting fluff.
*le gasp*  Also thanks for the reads!!

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