A Living Hell

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-Alex POV-

It has been about a week since I found my cousins body. I am about to start college and I am sure I will be hearing a lot of 'I heard what happened, I hope you're doing ok.' or 'don't worry, it'll get better soon.' How could it get better!? My father left me, my mom died, and now my cousin is gone! I don't see how anything could go right for me. I start walking to a Starbucks to get some coffee so I'm not a zombie on my first day of school. I'm supposed to be meeting my roommates. If I can remember right, their names are John, Hercules, and Lafayette. (Yes I know four is too many people in a dorm room im not an idiot) I get my coffee and sit down with my computer to write more of my book. I look over to my side as a boy with dark hair and freckles went past. I wonder if he goes to Kings.. I looked back at my computer and typed some more. After finishing about a chapter, I stand, finish my coffee and leave. As I walk to Kings College I look at the paper that has my schedule on it. Room 76.... ok let's go. I walk to the
dormitory and start looking for my room. I come up to a door and see a 76 on it finally.. i walk in and see two people sitting on a bed, talking about something.

"When do you think he's gonna get here Laf?" One of them say. I assume he's Hercules or John. I believe 'Laf' is short for 'Lafayette'. The one I'm assuming is Lafayette looks at me and smiles

"Mon amour. He's right here." He says, motioning at me. If I can remember, 'Mon amour' means 'My love'. They must be soulmates.

The taller man turns around. When he sees me he smiles.

"Hiiii!!! I'm Hercules Mulligan!! But you can call me Herc! Oh and this is Lafayette." He says. "You must be Alexander Hamilton!" He seems really excited to meet me.
"Yea I'm Alexander. But please call me Alex." I say, smiling back at him.

"It's great to meet you Alex! John should be here soon. He can't wait to meet you." Laf said. "He's been jumping off the walls for months waiting for you to get here." He snickered and looked at his phone. "Oh John's on his way here. I guess you'll be a surprise for him. He's always eager to meet new people."

-time skip cuz I'm lazy-

-John POV-

I knocked on the door and waited for my friends to open it. I had lost my key at Starbucks earlier today. I can't stop thinking about that boy I saw on that booth. He was so handsome. The way his eyes sparkled while he typed away on his computer. His dark hair... ugh I'm too gay for this...

Hercules soon opens the door and what I see when I step in stops me in my tracks. It's the him.. it's the guy from Starbucks. 'Ok Laurens. Don't be weird.' I walked in and decided to introduce myself.

"Oh hey! I'm John Laurens!! You must be Alexander! It's so cool to meet you!" He looked at me and had a weird look on his face.

-Alex POV-

Holy s**t. It's the boy from Starbucks. So his name is John.... its weird that i wondered if he goes here, and he actually does. I quickly reminded myself that I needed to respond to him.

"Oh um yeah I am Alexander but please call me Alex. It's nice to meet you too John!" I say, surprising myself when I don't stutter.

"Hey Alex," Laf says. "There's a room open at the end of the hall if you want to bring your stuff in there." He pauses as he sees the one bag that I have, which only consists of a couple outfits and a stuffed lion I got from my mom. "Is that all you have mon ami?" He asks. I nod and his face turns to a frown.

"I lost pretty much everything I had- um.. a while back... I-I don't want to talk about it...." I say before going into my room. I unpack my stuff and lie on my bed.

Oh god. I almost told people I just met about my past.... I don't need that right now.. I think to myself as I fall asleep.

I hope that was good!! Please tell me if I could improve something!!! And don't feel bad about any of it! I won't take anything personally! Have a great day guys!!!

Word count: 770

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