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Ok so I wasn't gone as long as I thought I would be. I just felt the need to talk to y'all. I kinda wanna do a Q&A but I'm not popular enough to get many questions. XD. (If u wanna ask some questions please do. I'm bored.)

Ok since I don't know what to do imma tell y'all about some ideas I've had for new books.

Before, there were eight of us. Now there are only four. I'm Melissa. This story is about me and my friends, and all that we went through for freedom. No it's not Homophobia, racism, or anything like that. We aren't normal. We have wings. I have hummingbird wings, Thomas: Parrott wings, Bella: Butterfly, Penni: Owl, Talia: Blue Jay, Kyle: Falcon, Ari:  Phoenix, and Mila: Peacock. We need help. We can't hide for long. They're coming for us.

The Boy On The Bus- (here's a preview)
Autumn was sitting on the bus as it came to a stop. She looked over at a boy as he quickly got off the bus and ran as fast as he could to get off the bus and continued to run. Most of the kids on the bus laughed at him but Autumn stayed silent as she watched his outline disappear around a corner. The next day, the bus stopped at the boy's stop but something different happened. The boy didn't run. He walked off slowly. As he got off Autumn got up and left the bus. She followed the mysterious boy to his house and just watched him for a little bit. After some time she decided she needed to get home or her parents would panic. This continued for a few days before Autumn decided to talk to him.

Ok well that's all I have for this chapter. Btw I'm writing this while leaving a band marching competition. (We didn't actually march cuz it's raining.) I'll see y'all later!! Byeeeeeeeeee

Word count: 329

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