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(I'm lazy don't judge^^^)

-Alex Pov-

"Should I be concerned? Who is that?" Alex asks.

"It's not my place to tell you.... one second.... stay here." John walks out of the room for a few seconds and comes back in with a very tired looking Carie.

"Why did you wake me up, it's the middle of the night....." Carie asks.

"Because I need to tell you something. You know I'm adopted right?" John replies. Carie nods her head. "Well...... my adopted dad's name........ is Will Fisher......." As he finishes his sentence Carie's eyes open wide. I hear her breathing start to speed up.

-Carie Pov-

No no no no no. Not him. Anyone but him. As my breathing speeds up John hugs me and starts frantically apologizing. I absentmindedly tell him it's not his fault while contemplating what he had said.

"Ok I see that there's a really emotional thing going on right now but can someone please fill me in??" Alex says. John pulls away from the hug and looks at me. I take a deep breath and look at Alex.

"When I was ten...... Will Fisher.... y'know..." It takes a second but Alex soon  realizes what I was trying to say.

"He raped you???? Oh my god how the heck did he even qualify to adopt John in the first place???!?!" Alex says a bit too loud. (Ok so just gonna say, I know that rape is nothing to just throw around carelessly. I thought of this for Carie a while ago and then I thought John being adopted, cool. And it gave me freedom to have something else (coming soon) and have then adopted dad be Will. Sorry for the long comment, continue.)

I wince and tell him to quiet down before Grace hears. Luckily, nobody actually woke up. Alex apologizes and starts ranting for about thirty-five minutes. Once he calms down he hugs me.

"Alex... could you not tell anyone? I only told John and I don't like people worrying about me...." I ask him. He immediately promises. Thank god. I don't think I would ever be able to go anywhere alone if Grace found out..

A couple seconds later I hear the Harry Potter theme start playing. John blushes slightly and answers his phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" He asks. He pauses for a sec and then gasps.

"Who is it?" Alex asks him. John moves the phone away from his mouth and answers

"My dad.... my real dad."

-Grace Pov-

I lay awake, running what I had just heard through my head. Why didn't she tell me?...... Does she not trust me? Heh I wouldn't trust me. But still. I hope she opens up about this.....

Dun dun duuuuuun!!!! HERE COMES HENRY!! And Grace knows now sooooo. Yeah. A bit longer than the last one. My head is killing me so I wasn't able to write to my best abilities. I still hope y'all liked it!!! Byeeeeeee

Word count: 497

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