Alex's First day

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-Alex Pov-

I wake up to the sound of John softly breathing. It takes me a second to remember what had happened last night. Oh yeah. I opened up about my feelings to a guy I met a day ago. Wow. I try to shuffle my way out of John's arms without waking him up. That plan failed. His eyes open slightly and he smiles.

"Mornin' Alex. Did ya sleep well?" His southern accent is wayyy stronger when he first wakes up. I nod. He looks at his phone and gets up.

"What is it John?" I ask him while sitting up.

"My art class starts at 9:30. Its 8:57" he said while walking to the door. "See ya Lexi." He walks out to get ready for the day. I get up with a groan and look through my closet. I end up choosing a green sweater that is a bit too big for me and some jeans. I put my converse on and get all the stuff I need for debate. I can't wait to get to debate! I'm so gonna win! I think to myself. I walk out of my room and look at my watch and see that I have about ten minutes to get to class. I leave the dorm and go to class.

-in class-

Mr. Harrison, the debate teacher, walks into the room and stands in the front of the classroom.

"Today, we have a new student. Class, this is Alexander Hamilton." He says gesturing toward me. I slink down in my seat, not wanting to be the center of attention right now. Or ever. He quickly moves on and tells us that we will be taking the places of historical figures and debating as them. He chooses me to be Lin-Manuel Miranda and some guy named Thomas Jefferson as Daveed Diggs. We walk up to the front and Jefferson is told to go first.

"'Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.'
We fought for these ideals we shouldn't settle for less.
These are wise words, enterprising men quote 'em.
Don't act surprised you guys cuz I wrote 'em." So he's making this a rap battle huh? Two can play at that game.

"Owwwwwww. But Miranda forgets
His plan would have the government assume states' debts. Now place your bets as to who that benefits
The very seat of government where Miranda sits."

"Not true!" I state.

"Ooh, if the shoe fits, wear it.
If New York's in debt—
Why should Virginia bear it?
Uh! Our debts are payed, I'm afraid.
Don't tax the south cuz we got it made in the shade.
In Virginia we plant seeds in the ground.
We create. You just wanna move our money around. This financial plan is an outrageous demand.
And it's too many damn pages for any man to understand.
Stand with me. In the land of the free.
And pray to God we never see Miranda's candidacy.
Look, when Britain taxed our tea, we got frisky.
Imagine what gon' happen when you try to tax our whiskey."

He fished with an imaginary mic drop. I immediately started rapping in response.

"Daveed, that was a real nice declaration.
Welcome to the present we're running a real nation.
Would you like to join us? Or stay mellow doin whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello?
If we assume the debts, the union gets a new line of credit a financial diuretic
How do you not get it?
If we're aggressive and competitive, the union gets a boost, you'd rather give it a sedative?
A civics lesson from a slaver, hey neighbor!
Your debts are payed cuz you don't pay for labor.
'We plant seeds in the south we create.' Yeah keep ranting.
We know who's really doing the planting.
And another thing mr 'age of enlightenment' don't lecture me about the war you didn't fight in it.
You think I'm frightened of you man, we almost died in a trench.
While you were off getting high with the French!
Daveed Diggs always hesitant with the president
Redicit. There isn't a plan he doesn't jettison.
Madison you're mad as a hatter so take your medicine.
Damn you in worse shape than the national debt is in!
Sittin there useless as two s**ts
Hey, turn around bend over I'll show you where my shoe fits!!" I finish, making the whole class go crazy. Jefferson has the most shocked face and I couldn't be happier!

-after class-

-Laf Pov-

I'm in class listening to Mrs. Armstrong talk about plants when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I take my phone out and look down to see a text from Grace.

TolBiGirl: Hey Laf, when are we gonna meet this 'Alex' we've been hearing about?

Baguette: this afternoon. He said his last class ends at 2:15. When are you and Carie's last classes?

TolBiGirl: my last class is at 2:45 and Carie's is at 3:00.

Baguette: ok cool. Do you wanna meet at the spot at 3:15?

TolBiGirl: that sounds perfect!!! I can't wait to interrogate Alex!! And you can't stop me.

Baguette: hehe. Ok mon ami. I'll see you there!!

I put my phone away and turn my attention back to Mrs. Armstrong. She's pretty weird. I seriously think she's a cat. I mentally laugh while imagining her as a little house cat. I check my watch and see that I still have thirty minutes in the class. Oh dear lord. This is gonna be a long day.

Hiiiiii!!!! How are y'all doin? *awkward silence* oh crap I forgot you can't respond XD. Well. I hope you liked this long chapter. I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been caught up in stuff. I'll see you all next time!!!! Byeeeeeeee!!

Word count: 976

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