The Party Goes On Vacation Pt-2

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Bev's POV

I saw a group of boys and 2 girls approach us.

"Sup." I heard a voice sat. I turned to see a boy with curly hair smiling at me.

"H-hey." Said Bill.

"Who are you guys?" Said Richie.

"I'm Ma-" One of the girls started but got cut off.

"We shouldn't just tell them who we a-" A boy started.

"I'm Max." Max said.

"I'm Beverly." I said. "Bev for short."

"I'm El- Jane, I'm Jane." Said Jane. Though, I had a bad feeling about her.

"I'm Mike." Said Mike. Form there group BTW.

"Great two Mike's" Said Richie.

"I'm Mike, too." Said Mike, from the loser club.

"I'm Richie."

"I'm Eddie."

"I'm Lucas."

"I'm Dustin."

"I'm Stanley."

"I'm Ben."

"I'm Will."

"I-I'm Billy, call me B-Bill."

"Alright, well this is nice." Said Richie.

Right then I jumped off the quarry and into the water.

Mike W.'s POV

Bev just jumped off the edge. Isn't that dangerous but just then all the other boys in her group jumped. So did we.

Me and El stayed back because she was nervous but eventually she jumped.

We all splashed around in the water. Then we had a chicken fight. Beverly got on Bill's shoulders, Eddie on Richie's,Stanley on Ben's, El on mine, Max on Lucas', and Will on Dustin's shoulders.

Eventually, it was between Bev, Max, and El. El shoved Max off of Lucas' shoulders. Then Bev shoved her off mine. Beverly won.

I hugged El and told her it was ok. I love her.

She ran over to Bev and high fived her. 

The end. I know, I know, I'm lazy.

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