Where? (Part 1)

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So I realized I don't update often enough so this is me promising that I will try harder. ily you guys.

Mike's POV

I walked home from school instead of biking. I walked to school too anyway. I wanna talk to Eleven so instead of going back to my place I walk to hers. A smile plastered on my face.

I knocked on the cabin door. The door swung open to reveal a beautiful El. My El. I ran into her arms. I caressed her cheek and kissed the small petite girl. She kissed back.

God, I love this girl. Her eyes always sparkle when she looks at me, or Eggos. She always smiles bright. Her smile reveals her adorable dimples. (Roll with it idk if Millie has dimples or not...)

"Mike." She said, softly. I forgot to mention how her voice is always soft.

"Yeah, El?" I asked, pulling away from the hug we were still positioned in.

"Do you hear that?" She asked. Her voice sounding frightened.

"No. What is it? What do you hear?" I asked frantically. She fell to the floor, lifeless. I didn't understand she was just fine. No, I can't lose her. I CAN'T. I LOVE HER. NO, NOT NOW. NOT EVER. NEVER. I want you alive...

"EL!!!!!" I screamed. I kneeled down by her side. Water filling my eyes. Tears starting their way down my lifeless cheeks. I am nothing without my girlfriend. I'll never find anyone else. STOP THINKING LIKE THIS MIKE, SHE MIGHT LIVE.

I dialed 911. I turned around to check on El. She wasn't there. WHERE COULD SHE HAVE GONE? I might need some paddles for this voyage...

I finished talking with the cops. I ran outside and checked everywhere. Nothing. Not a speck that wasn't forest and trees. Or grass. I felt heartbroken.

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