Who? (Part 3 of Where?)

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Eleven's POV

Mike. Where's Mike? I was just in his arms. I was just in his embrace. I was just feeling loved standing there side by side with my best friend. I can't see much. It's just a small room. A large metal door closing the room off. The only other thing is a window. The window took up a fair bit of the wall.

A pain shooting through me snapped me out of my thoughts. A man stood in front of me. It wasn't Papa. Who? Who was this man? It wasn't Dr.Sam Owens... Who was it?

Will's POV

I can feel her. I can feel her presence. She is alive but what about Mike. Is Mike okay? He just lay there, lifeless, not breathing. This whole scenario is not fun. It hurts in fact. A unspeakable pain in the air.

Stuff happens in this town where "nothing ever happens". People suffer. People die. People get sucked into the enthernal plane. That place has taken many lives. Starting in that lab and spreading through the town.

A unspeakable pain.

Dustin's POV

A unspeakable pain filled the air on this windy day. Mike lay there lifeless. Who are we to blame for this tragedy?  This never ending cycle of pain and death. Maybe it could end. That is for us to find out...

I wish that everything could just go back to normal. Mike to not be in love with psychic powered girl. And for Will to have never entered the Upside Down. And for Bob and Barb to be alive. I wish that could come true and for none of us to remember that week of 1983 and the year of 1984.

(God, this is deep and dark. I'll try to lighten the mood a bit. Roadwork ahead... well I sure hope it does.)

Lucas's POV

Who? Who to blame for this? Who do we blame for all the hurt? All this pain built up inside of us. Only to explode in the end. I wish everything was normal. I wish the weirdo never came along. I wish will never vanished from this small town only to come back to life again.

Do we blame Brenner? Eleven? Owens? Who shall we blame for this forsaken chain of events. An unspeakable pain.

Max's  POV

I wish I never met these fools. I wish I never moved to this haunted town where "nothing every happens". Everything that is tragic happens here in Hawkins, Indiana.

I wish that I didn't move here. But who am I to blame? Who are we to blame for this? An unspeakable pain. 

This is deep and dark at the same time. So here is a vine... HI WELCOME TO CHILI'S!!

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