Protective friends

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Perrie's pov

I was sitting at the couch while watching disney, My encounter with Jade and Jed earlier still bugs me. With the look of Jade's condition i already knew something was up, First Jade wasn't looking at me AT ALL, Second Jed was there and third her bruises gave birth.

I'm starting to think Jed was the one that's giving her all the bruises but at the back of my mind he wouldn't do that he loves Jade, but you never know.

After watching disney i decided to text to know if she's okay.

To: Jadeypoo ❤

Hey Jade! How you've been doing? ;)


She immediately response, well that's a good thing right?

From: Jadeypoo ❤

Stop texting me, i don't wanna be friends with you anymore.. bye.

Reading those words immediately broke my heart. She did it again. How am i so stupid to believe that she will love me the way i love her? Perrie fucking Edwards when will you learn?

To: Jadeypoo ❤

What? Did i do something wrong? Please don't do this again.

Sent. But something popped up

"You can't text this number anymore"

She fucking blocked my number.

I went to my bedroom and just started crying, everything was a mess, even me. After this i don't know if i could face or even forgive Jade. I've had enough. After a while i started to feel a little droopy then Boom i fell asleep.

Earlier at Jade's

Jed's pov

HEY! I'M HUNGRY, MAKE ME DINNER, i shouted. It felt so great being like this, i feel like i'm a king. I can control every Jade's move, call me whatever you want to call me. Jade is my slave and that's what matters.

She quickly headed to the kitchen without saying anything.
Good girl, i muttered.

Suddenly i felt her phone buzzed beside me, i took a quick look at Jade to see if she's watching but she was busy preparing my dinner. I checked her phone and saw Perrie's name.

From: Pezza 😍

Hey Jade! How you've been doing? ;)

I instantly felt irritated by just seeing those texts and that fucking winky face, Jade is mine and nobody else's. I need to remove Perrie out of the way and i know exactly how to do it.

To: Pezza 😍

Stop texting me, i don't wanna be friends anymore.. bye.

Sent. Before she could even response i quickly block her number.
Much better, i muttered.
The next day (saturday)

Perrie's pov

I looked horrible when i woke up, my eyes are still red and puffy. I took a quick shower to refreshen up.
I slowly stripped down and let the water hit my back, I'm still trying my best to remove Jade out of my life and just move on.

I went downstairs and cook up some breakfast then suddenly somebody knocked.

I opened the door and
SURPRISE PEZ! they all said in unison.
It was Jesy, Leigh and Zayn.
"Omg! Hi guys i missed you! What are you doing here? I said not trying to be rude.
Well the last time you offered us to visit you well, we didn't come. Jesy said while scratching the back of her neck.
So we decided to surprise you by coming over! Leigh added.
"You guys are the best, i said while giving them a hug.

We ate breakfast and watched some movies. We were all sitting at the sofa. Leigh was at the right end followed my zayn, me and then Jesy.

This movie is boring, jesy said while turning it off.
Oh Pez tell us about Jade! Leigh said, you can clearly see the excitement in her face.
"There's nothing new Lee, i said while looking down. All of them saw my frown, especially Zayn.
What happened? Zayn said.

Here we go again,I told them everything and they are not happy especially Zayn and Jes.

Jes calm down where are you going?, Leigh said.
I'm teaching somebody a lesson.

And she's gone.

I looked at Zayn who is now furious.
"Zayn, i'll be alright.
That girl is getting on my nerves pez, Lee said.
"It's alright guys.
Why did you let her hurt you? Zayn said.
I didn't answer.

One question is, where is Jesy going?

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