Jed, again

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Jed's pov

How bou't your place tonight? Call you later babe, bye. I said while saying goodbye to my 5th side chick. All of them are so good in bed, I wonder what would Jade feel like.
Speaking of Jade, i am planning to fuck her when i come back to her dorm, whether she likes it or .

You see the only reason why Jade and I were together it's because i only wanted her for sex, she's just too naive to realize. I didn't fuck her right away it's because i wanted to gain her trust but it's taking too long so i just beat her up right away so that she'll have no choice but to let me fuck her, she's too weak.

I made my way to her dorm and i didn't hesitate to knock.
*knock knock
Still no answer.
I twisted the door knob and realize it was unlock.

"Jade? Come out baby, i said while going in.
"Jade! There's no reason to hide, i won't bite, no answer
"At the count of three and you're still not here, you will regret it.
1, 2, 3, still no answer
"Alright don't say that i didn't warn you.

I started searching for her for a couple of mins and there's still no sign of Jade. I checked the bathroom and her supppies are gone. I checked her bedroom and all of her clothes are gone.

Still no sign of Jade.

Then something popped in my mind, if i were Jade where would i go. I laughed when i realized i already knew the answer.
At Perrie's, ofcourse she's her bestfriend.

I quickly made my way to Perrie's dorm.
Zayn's pov

"Hey Pez, Jes texted me and said that we should go there asap, i said while looking at her.
What for?
"I don't know
Maybe it's something, Lee added
I'll just get a quick shower then we'll go there mmkay? Perrie said while standing up.
"We'll wait for you, we said in unison.

Lee and i were sitting at the couch while watching some boring tv show. Then we got irritated when somebody knocked so damn loud.


"Stay there Lee i'mma check who's that, i said while standing up.
She just nodded for response.

I twisted the door knob and saw Jed looking so angry. He rested her side at the corner.

Sup punk? He said while trying to make me feel scared, which is not working.
"Don't call me punk Zayn is my name for your information, i said while crossing my arms.
I don't care i can call you anything i want, he shot back.
" why are you here anyway?
I came here for Jade, i know you're hiding her.
"Pffft, Jade? You must me kidding.
Do i look like i'm kidding?

I was about to answer then suddenly Lee spoke from a far.
Who's that Zayn?
I turned around and answer, when i was about to face Jed he punched me in my cheek. I stumbled down and looked at him.

NOW YOU LISTEN PUNK, WHERE IS JADE?! I KNOW SHE'S HERE! He shouted while pointing a finger at me.

Leigh's pov

Jed? Jade's boyfriend? I muttered then suddenly i saw Zayn at the floor and heard Jed screaming.


I ran as fast as i can to help Zayn,
"Omygod Zayn are you okay? I said while helping him get up
"Wtf is your problem Jed?! I shouted
You don't care, now where is Jade?!
For the last time she is not Here! Zayn shouted.
" go and bother somebody else! I said
Or else what?! He answered

Or else i'll call the police

We turned around and saw Perrie.

Now get your ass out off my dorm you douche! She shouted.

This is not over Edwards! He said but before he could go away Zayn stopped him by grabbing his shoulder and making Jed face him.

Oh you forgot something Jed, Zayn said.
This!, Zayn kicked Jed right in the balls which made him fall. Before he could even do something Zayn quickly shut the door.

Oh yas get it ZAYN!

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