Chapter 1

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A/N see the boy on the left with the white hoodie? That is appollo the boy in the black hoodie is Eclipse.

Appollo's POV
"APPOLLO GET YOUR A$$ OVER HERE" Dad says furious "he must be drunk again" I murmer under my breath as i walk out of my room to the living room where dad is sitting.

I dont really come from a rich family not even middle class Yes...i am poor but theres nothing wrong with that i mean there wouldn't be if my parents actually cared about me my Dad abuses me and my mom doesnt even act like i exist.

Im just someone that gets them food stamps and money im also dads "punching bag" as he calls it but i know next year i get to move out.

Okay let me tell you what had me at this point...Hi im Appollo im 17 my height is 6'2 and i come from as i said before a poor and abusive family i currently live in Nishihara which is a town in Okinawa, Japan. I only have my mom and my dad. All my relatives hate us because the way my parents act towards them.

So even if i did want to leave i wouldnt have anywhere to go other than if i bought an actual house which costs alot of money and preperation. I have no REAL friends because i am "the school bully" i can tell they only hang out with me because theyre scared ill hurt them.

Now i think were caught up lets resume to where we were before.

As i walk in i get hit in the head with a beer bottle "Owww What the fuck!!" I say pain in my voice "WHO SAID YOU WERE ALLOWED TO CUSS AND DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO FIX THE GODDAMN TV" Dad yells as he slowly gets up from his recliner.

I see him get up and instantly bolt out the door and in the yard covered in trash. I trip over a dog chain holder. I dont know why we still have that our rottweiler died 6 years ago.

I stand back up and feel a force shove me to the ground i look up and its dad...i feel him kick me i feel the bruises from before gets worse as the blunt force pelts it...he kicks me over and over i cant get up ive tried so many times but i guess when i fell i mustve sprained my ankle.

I look over to see mom watching us with a cigarette in her mouth it was always like this me and dad would fight and mom would just sit there and watch not even care about it.

At this point dad was on top of me punching me in the face as i lye there not being able to do anything but watch as im slowly gaining bruises.

NO im not gonna let him win as i see him starting to get tired i build up enough strength and BAM i punch him in the face just enough to break his focus and has to stand up.

I instantly stand up and sprint forgetting about my ankle i run i know hell catch up soon so i need to find a place to hide...i run down the rocky dirt road hearing dads screams getting farther away but i know hes still chasing me.

I run into the city and i run into the clinic to get my ankle checked out of breath i walk...limp up to the counter to fill out the forms i reach in my pocket i always keep a wallet and my phone there i grab my ID and some cash and pay i started to sit down.

I see dad run past the window not even noticing me but everyone in the clinic did they stared and stared until the doctor came and took me to the back room.

The smell of germ x hits me as soon as i walk in. It gives me a even worse headache than i already had. "You look in bad shape what happened?" The doctor asks but i wont really tell him what happened " i was riding a bike hit a rock and fell in a ditch" i reply such a horrible lie i tell myself.

The doctor was a woman about 4'11 with brown hair and glasses i guess her name was leanne but girls arent my type so i just see her as a professional if it was a guy thats a whole 'nother story.

She cleans my cuts and bandages them she looks at my ankle she had to do an x-ray to see if it was broken thank god its not...she wraps my ankle "do you want crutches it would be easier to walk" she asks but i cant look weak in school so i politely decline.

I walk out of the doctors office i cant go home obviously what can i do till dad falls asleep? I guess ill go to "the spot" since im in the city...( A/N the spot is a place where high schoolers are allowed to hangout during free time it is very popular umong them too it is open 24/7)

I stay at "the spot for a couple of hours by time i go outside and check my watch it was 12:00 and dark i walk home and quietly walk inside i see dad asleep on the recliner and mom no where in sight i guess she went to sleep in her bed.

I walk into my room and collapse on my bed instantly falling asleep. Lets just hope no one will talk about my face at school tomorrow and i hope i see him...

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