Chapter 6

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A/N so i know these characters dont look like Appollo and Eclipse but id like to imagine them like this at one point in this story.
How are we supposed to get Eclipse out of this house without dad notice and wake up.

Appollo POV
I shush Eclipse silently and peek out my door to see if dad is still asleep to my happiness he was....atleast for now hopefully...I turn the light off taking extra pre-cautions to make sure dad doesnt wake.

We tip-toe carefully to the door me forgetting about the vomit near the door I step in it i instantly gag at the feeling on my shoe but Eclipse puts his slender hand over my mouth i shut up even though i really love the warmth of his hand on my mouth he removes it.

I open the door slowly and let Eclipse exit first i look past the door once more to check if dad is still asleep even though if he would have woke up he would've screamed for me to go to him even though its like 11:00 P.M.

I walk out of the door "So i'm gonna walk you home you cant say no either as you see my situation" i say quickly but hesitantly "i wasnt gonna say no anyways i kinda like your company and you being with me" Eclipse replies as we walk down the steps of the porch.

"And i wont tell anyone what happened today i know at school how popular you are and i dont wanna mess anything up for you" Eclipse says with tears building in his eyes.

"Thank you just know my feelings to you are real and i just cant let anyone know" i reply as we head to the city we walk onto Eclipse's road.

By time we got to Eclipse's house it was about 12:30 p.m. and Eclipse stops at the front door "do...y-you wan't to just stay the night it's really late and i dont feel comfortable letting you leave by yourself at this time of night" Eclipse says with a stutter.

"As much as i would love to actually do that i really cant dad will notice his "punching bag" is gone and he'll hit me more" I reply "Im sorry you had to see what happened today i really hoped you wouldnt have you really shouldnt have" I hesitantly Apologize.

"Why are you even staying there" Eclipse says as he motions for us to sit on the steps leading to the doors i sit with my elbows on my knees head in my hands..."i have to dad threatens to kill me if i told anyone and i really dont mean to bully you to be honest i just try to act cool so i dont loose the people i care about and i just dont know what to do and most of the time i just think of killing myself maybe thats an easier way out of this world" I reply starting to cry.

Eclipse takes his slender hand and softly moves my face up to look at him he pulls his sleeve down and wipes my warm tears away from my face.

"You know the bully cant cry infront of the victim" Eclipse replies starting to giggle i smirk in return to his remark we look into eachothers eyes for a couple minutes his eyes sparkle under the stars their really beautiful.

I lean in for another tender kiss but as i leaned forward Eclipse flinches and moves his head away from me it hurt me a little bit because i was actually expecting it to happen.

"Whats wrong?" I ask "its just i dont think we should do this because its just so stereotypical of us since your the bully and im the victim ive read so many books and watched so many dramas like this." Eclipse replies truly heartfelt.

"I dont care about stereotypes i care about you" i reply hopefully he changes his mind. My head still in position for a kiss "I think its time for you to go home im really sorry" Eclipse replies with his eyes starting to puff and turn red.

Eclipse runs inside and shuts the door. Great now im stuck alone in the middle of the night about an hour away from home which is full of abusive parents and i was rejected a kiss from a person i really like well my life truly sucks but im gonna have to be a big boy and tough it out as mom tells me.

I start my way back home when i notice someone standing in Eclipse's backyard i see the person start to walk towards me i walk away down the street to make sure that he truly was following me.

I look behind me and there he was following me i fake a yawn and look to see if he yawns back and he does so there was a strange man staring and following me down a dark road in the middle of the night.

I cant do anything because i dont know if he has a gun or a knife so i just put my headphones in my ear and blast music while i keep walking down the road into the city and down the dirt road leading back to my house.

I forget about the man until im almost home i look behind me and the man is still following once i get on the porch the man turns around and walks back i carefully walk inside and tip-toe back into my room i slip my shoes off and change my clothing i go to bed in only my boxers hopefully Eclipse keeps his word and doesnt tell anyone since it would leave me with no friends at all and i just couldnt live with that.

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