Chapter 4

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A/N art done by:Shadonight
Appollo's POV
"Were not gonna be finished if we contine to work at this pace so wanna come over tonight to work on it?" I asked Eclipse hesitantly.

I could tell he was scared of me but I can't help that especially since I bully him so much.

I could tell he wanted to protest but he must've come to a decision in his head as he sighed and muttered a small yes.

I motioned for him to follow me as I led him to my Harley, I worked my butt off for 5 years to get this beauty and its my pride and joy.

Eclipse was clearly scared of it but he grabbed the helmet when I held it out to him so he must have some guts.

I hop in the front of the bike while Eclipse hesitantly gets on the back "Hang on" I say trying to sound cool.

He grabs my waist and i start to pull out of the school area i can feel Eclipse's body heat against me and it feels so good it warms my back up and I can feel his heart beating on my back as he is practically laying on me by now.

I couldn't help but think of a different situation where I was taking him on a date and telling him how beautiful he was. I sighed and stared at the road wistfully. If only that was possible.

I would tell Eclipse to hold on tight as I revved the engine and took off down the road leading to a small cafe where we could sit peacefully and just be happy.

Back to reality.... We enter the dirt road that leads to my trailer and I feel that Eclipse is getting scared maybe we should have gone to his house but i totally forgot how my dad was while he was near me.

We pull into the yard and i take my helmet off while Eclipse stands taking his helmet off, i get off the bike and i couldnt help but notice a strand of hair in Eclipse's face i put my hand on his cheek and wipe the strand away.

I looked over to see if my dad was home but to my relief his car was gone and so was my mother's.

I led Eclipse up the steps and held the door open, I made sure to go in front of him so I could kick the beer cans out of the way.

He scrunched his nose up when the odor from all the vomit came wafting through the house. I looked at him apolgetically as i stepped around the pile of vomit. I led him to my room and ushered him inside as I shut locked my door.

I leaned against the door as i watched look on in disgust as he surveyed my messy room, I never bothered to put my clothes in a pile or throw away any trash.

He muttered something under his breath and began to pick up my dirty clothes and pushed the trash in one pile. I watched in amusement as he shuffled around my room picking up things.

While he went about his business cleaning my room i walked over to my bed and started taking everything out that would be needed for the project.

We were doing what our family is like. I have to do Eclipse and he has to do me. This should be interesting, i'll have to come up with a good story to at least match up with what my house looks like.

I was so out of it that i didnt even notice when Eclipse finshed cleaning and sat down next to me, I came to when I saw his fingers in my face and I looked over to see him with an annoyed expression.

I raised an eyebrow and he huffed as he explained that he had been trying to get my attention for the last 5 minutes. I apologized and we began to work on the project in comfortable silence.

Everything was going great but everything fell to pieces when I heard the car door slam.

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