Chapter 2

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A/N this chapter is going to be Eclipse's day before school like last chapter was Appollos this is Eclipse.

Art done by: Shadonight

"ECLIPSE YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST KILL YOURSELF NO ONE HERE LIKES YOU!!" A boy screams as I runs into the room of his foster home.

I slam the door and put my back against it I slowly feel the heat of my tears roll down my face. "I hate it here the only thing keeping me in this house is my social anxiety and the law" I whisper to myself.

I hear banging on the door "ECLIPSE GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM AND GO OUTSIDE" I hear my foster mom yell. She hates me just as much as my real parents except my real parents left me the foster parents can't since I make them money.

Nobody in this world will ever love a 'tramp or a son of a scumbag' as the foster parents say. I lived on the streets for a while but the child services found me and put me here they dont even do regular check ups on me.

Lets see what got me here shall we...Hi im Eclipse im 17 5'2 i have blue hair purple-ish blue eyes.I have a scholarship for a musical arts acadamy for my piano playing ability.  i guess you could say im middle class i currently live in Naha, Okinawa, Japan but im not happy heck i dont even have a family while i was born japanese my Foster Parents are American military they flew and moved here and years after adopted me when i was 5-6.

Why dont you tell the social serves you might ask well because my foster dad threatens if i do he will throw me in the cellar and lock the door and im scared of the cellar its loud and dark you cant see anything.

I guess you could say i have my own crowd of friends yes im Gay but theres nothing wrong with there?

Okay now lets resume

I hear the door get a hole in it i grab my sketchpad and pencils i run and climb out my window i climb down from the roof and run into the woods i find a tree and put my stuff in my mouth and start to climb.

I usually go to the spot but i know that they'll find me there. Who are they you must be asking 'they' are my foster brothers there 18 and seniors while im a junior they pick on me for being younger and also because they know that im Gay.

I dont pay much attention to them they can go suck it there just stupid jocks that will eventually lose all their friends and not be accepted into college i know this as a fact because ive seen their grades they suck.

I look at the view i see and start to sketch this is the only thing that helps calm me down after fights like this. I'm not self-confident because the way my foster family and the world treats me but i will not give up my will to live that easily.

I finish sketching and decide to take a nap i fall asleep on the branch and start to dream "no dont go mommy!!" I say crying i'm about 5-6 at this time mom slowly grabs my hand and pulls her hand away...she walks with her head down as she leaves a poor boy in the streets to figure life out himself.

She walks away with her new family...the boy cries for her but she wont reply...I wake up i rub my eyes and feel a wetness on my hand i cried in my sleep...because the dream was an actual memory a nasty one that ive been trying to forget...

It never works everytime i try to forget something it reoccurs in a dream. I look around in the pitch dark i cant see anything from an inch away...

i can barely even see my hand in front of me good thing i brought my phone and memorized all paths towards home or i would have been lost.

I pull my phone and turn the flashlight i start my way back home when i see a figure of a man i start to run. I hate feeling like im being watched.

I make my way to the back porch and shut my flashlight and walk inside and up the stairs. I climb in my bed and fall asleep i just wish tomorrow will be a good first day back.

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