Chapter 2

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Kevin honestly didn’t mean to scare the dweeb. He just wanted to him to know that he was ‘glad’ to be partners.

“Kevin, please, don’t hurt me! I’ll do all the work, just don’t beat me up!” Edd pleaded in a way that only kevin could hear.

“Im not going to hurt you” Edd sighed in relief.


All the panic rushed back through Edd’s veins

The bell was two minutes until 2:30. Edd quickly packed up his belongings and waited the last thirty seconds till’ the bell rang. He made haste to get up and go to his locker. He entered the digits quickly and efficiently, opening the locker to reveal his Neatly placed textbooks and notepads. Edd grabbed his Calculus Textbook and closed the locker.

He  headed towards the classroom and sat down, repeating his organizing steps every time.

“Hey, Double D…” Nat said in a sing-songy voice.


“I have something for you. Its from the big ‘K’"


Double D was confused. ‘Why would Kevin write in a note rather than converse with him face to face? Were Kevin and himself not just talking only a few moments ago?’ he thought. Nat gently placed the note on the desk and walked away. Edd eyed the note with confusion.

He reached slowly towards the half crumpled paper and picked it up. He opened it and began reading the contents.


"Dweeb, You are coming to my house after the hell-hole people call ‘school’. I’ll give you a ride so meet me at the locker room after practice okay? You better show or else i’ll pound ya!” The note read.


Edd’s mind went to the gutter at the ‘pound ya” part. Such indecent thoughts! He went throughout his day until the proposed time came to be. He gathered his items and placed them neatly into his locker to be used again tomorrow. He brought only the essentials with him if they were to be studying, of which he doubted. He held onto his ‘Man-purse’ as Eddy would call it, it was a satchel, for heavens sake, and walked towards the locker room.

He only hoped Kevin wouldn’t hurt him.


Second Chapter guys !!!  :D 

This may go on for 5 more chapters, not sure though.

Hopefully you like this series..

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