Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry for this late update, school started and has been kicking my ass with all this homework. Like, who the fuck gives homework on the first week of school? Anyway, here is your well anticipated chapter. Enjoy!!

Also sorry if it's too short, School has me writing small chapters, but that just means more chapters for you guys. (I was originally going to do 10 chapters but fuck it. might as well do more short chapters than long)



Edd woke up with an ache pulsing throughout his body. He groaned as he sat up slowly. He found the all too familiar jacket upon his body. Edd grabbed the jacket and brought it to his nose, inhaling the musky smell he loved so much. It was an earthy scent, with the faintest hint of Kevins sweet/spicy cologne. He clutched the leather jacket closer to himself. He yeared for Kevin's touch. Tears welled up in his eyes, making the icy blue glassy. He almost let out a whimper when he heard a voice, which broke him from his trance.

"Hey, you're up. How're ya feeling Edd?" Nat said softly.

"Hello, Nathan. I am most sore. Where is Kevin?" Edd asked, voice low and rasped.

"Oh, he had to go home and explain things to his mom. Man, you should've seen him Edd, when he layed you down on the cot, he looked so broken, so pained. He told me to take care of you when he left. I've never seen him look like that bro. Like a puppy thats just been abandoned. You're good for him Edd, you really are."

Edd couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did that mean Kevin loves him?  He clutched Kevins jacket tightly.

"C'mon, let me get you home yeah?" Nat said, making his way towards the cot. He held out his hand to help Edd up. Which Edd took, whimpering in pain as he stood up.

"Let's get this on you." Nat whispered, dragging Kevins jacket onto Edd."There,"

"Thank you Nathan, for everything really." Edd, remarked.

They wobbled towards the parking lot. Got into Nat's car and started driving. Edd began to doze off, listening to the soft sounds coming from outside.

"Hey, nerd. Get up.." Nat Said lowly.

"A few more minutes mother.." Edd grumbled.

"Guess you leave me no choice." Nat said as he got out of the car and plucked Edd from his seat. 

He carried Edd's small body to the door, and managed to open it. Edd didn't know if he was hearing things but he could have sworn he heard Kevin's deep voice. The next thing Edd felt was a new set of familiar strong arms carry his body upstairs. He felt the soft mattress beneath him as he was set down gently. he could feel the tug of his shoes being pulled off. Next was his beanie, then Kevins jacket. He whined subcounsiously from the loss of the prized jacket. The last thing he felt was a firm body behind him. pulling soft sheets up covering the both of them. And the last thing he heard? Only the softest words he yearned to hear. 

"I love you, Edd"

~~~~~~~~~~THE NEXT MORNING~~~~~~~

Edd woke up in a precarious situation. He had no idea where he was, until he looked around and spotted the shiny trophies along the shelf.

Kevin's room.

Then that means...

Edd looked beside him and examined Kevins beautiful features. His ginger hair a mess from last nights sleep. His lip cut from, presumably, the fight. And when his eyes opened slowly beneath the long brown lashes to reveal gorgeous green eyes, Edd stopped breathing.

"Morning. Are you alright? Anythin' hurt? Need anthing?" Kevins gravely morning voice said.

"No Kevin, i am okay, just a little sore." Edd replied.

Kevin leaned up and captured Edd's lips gently.

"I'll never let anyone touch you again." He said softly.

Edd smiled. He leaned in again and kissed Kevin, who returned the kiss with more passion. When they pulled away, kevin said "If you keep that up, i'll do more than just kiss you"

"then do it."


"You heard me Kevin. Do it."

"A-are you sure?"


"J-Just one second."

Kevin got up and left the room, only to return a few seconds later.

"Okay, no ones here. but Edd, you're sure right?"

"Kevin, Will you just touch me already?" Edd said, voice full of lust.

"Dont mind if I do.." Kevin said kissing Edd roughly.

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