Chapter 4 :O tiny bit of smut

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Edd got off the bike gingerly. When he took off his helmet it took his hat with it. Kevin stared wide-eyed at the thick raven hair. A medium sized scar ran from Edd's hairline to the middle of his scalp.

"Kevin, why are you staring at me?" edd asked, unaware that his hat came off.

"Uhm," Kevin sputtered out. He walked towards Edd slowly and raised his hand. Edd flinched, thinking Kevin was going to strike him. Kevin brought his hand to edds hair. It was soft beneath his touch. Mesmerized, Kevin ran his hand through the silky black hair. He got to the scar, feeling along the length of it. He was unaware that Edd's scar was a sensitive point. Edd wasn't even mad that Kevin was touching his hair, in fact, it felt really nice. Too nice, one would say. Edd stifled a moan when Kevin pulled lightly. Unfortunately, it wasn't as stifled as edd had thought. Kevin heard the moan from Edd and began to with-draw his hand from his hair.

"Ahem, well, let's go inside yeah?" Kevin said taking the helmet from edd's hands and placing his beanie back onto his head. "fixed" he said smiling.

Edd looked down in embarrassment. He just HAD to moan didn't he? They walked towards the house and went inside.

"Upstairs, to the left, first door." kevin said. "I'm going to get something to drink, i'll bring up some water okay?"

"okay." Edd said in a whisper and followed kevin's instructions t get to his room. When he opened the first door, he saw posters of girls in bikini's and pictures of bands he didn't know. There were also different trophies from the sports seasons. Basketball, football, soccer, you name it, it was there. Kevin always was the athlete of the cul-de-sac. Edd's mind drifted as he set up his studying supplies on kevins bed. He thought about how Kevin's abs would clench up if he drew his hand down the toned torso. How Kevin would "pound him" with out letting up. Edd shook his head to clear such unbecoming thoughts. thought, he still wouldn't mind for that to happen.

____(quick 3rd person Kevin p.o.v)______

Kevin grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge. He thought of the dweeb upstairs, probably sitting on his bed waiting. He fantasized of walking upstairs to find double dee all spread out for him. Two fingers in his virgin hole, searching for that one spot. He thought of pounding him into the mattress. His small frame contrasting against his toned bigger body.Kevin's hands gripping edd's hair for leverage. Him filling him up with his hot cu-

Wait wait wait!

stop it kevin! You're not gay! are you? Bisexual at least?

He sighed, and began to walk towards the stairs. That is, until he felt the hard object between his thighs. DAMMIT!

"Double dee!, i'll be up in a few minutes!!" he called, trying to sound not so suspicious.

He walked to the bathroom and tried to think of Nazz. Funnily enough his erection went limp.

" Well easier than i thought, but, what does this mean?"

He exited the bathroom and walked up the stairs, to his room, and opened the door. What he saw, shocked him.

Edd took off his glasses. The room felt really warm. He proceeded to take off his tie and his sweater. This action caused his hat to fall off.

Left in nothing but his only pair of skinny jeans and a tight red t-shirt( he didn't have time to do his laundry and that was what he was left with.) He opened his text book and took some notes. He ruffled his hair a bit, making it bit messy. It was still quite warm in the room,so he walked over to the window and opened it slightly. The door opened revealing Kevin. He stared at Edd's ass in the jeans.

"Kevin, shall we start studying?" Edd asked innocently.

"uh, yeah!" Kevin said in reply. Kevin couldn't keep his eyes off of Edd. The skinny jeans make his legs seem longer and his ass perkier. And the t-shirt! It defined his thin frame. Kevin and Edd sat down on the bed and begin their studying for the project.

****3 hours later***

"Ugh! I'm done for today!" Kevin exclaimed. He fell onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

"Now Kevin, it has only been three hours. A child our age should study for at last 4 hours to retain the information" Edd explained. He eyed the are where Kevin's shirt rode up, revealing a brownish trail of hair leading to his- Stop.

Kevin sat back up and realized how close he was to Edd's face. He stared into the frosty blue eyes, drinking in their beauty. He didn't realize he was leaning in until Edd let out a small gasp.

"Kevin... what are you?"

"shhh, don't ask stupid questions."

Kevin captured Edd's lips in a tender hot kiss. Of course the dweeb didn't know how to kiss back, he was the definition of virgin. Kevin pulled back slowly and whispered

"You know, usually, the other person would kiss back in this type of situation."

"sorry, i am unsure of what to do. That was my first kiss." Edd replied.

"it's okay, just let me do all the work" Kevin said slightly sarcastic. He kissed Edd again and pushed him on his back. He ran his hands through the soft black hair and tugged slightly, earning a moan from Edd. Kevin pushed his tongue into Dee's mouth, fighting for dominance. He ran his hands down Edd's small torso, stopping at the button of his jeans.

"can i?" Kevin said as he broke the heated kiss.


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