Chapter 8: part 2

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Okay... Okay. I may or may not have put this off for a long ass time, and for that I am sorry. Lazyness + no motivation+ school = No fanfic.

So, here you go :D ;)

Also, im sorry please don't shoot me but, this series coming to an end. I know, I know, i am a horrible person, but do not fret. One day i will post another, and hopefully it wont (take me for-fuckin-ever to post th chapters) be so short. Maybe i'll do Oneshots.... There's an idea. Send me prompts in the comment section below if you want me to write it.  xx


Kevin p.o.v (holy shit)

Fingertips grasped my shirt as we rode. I swerved slightly as he drew one hand under my shirt and up my abdomen.

"Hey Dork, unless you want us to crash, i'd suggest not doin' that" I said, the slight rasp to my voice wavering. Who'd have thought that Double D, the nerd who always complain about hygiene, would have been such a tease. I felt him smile into my back as he pulled himself closer to me. as we turned onto the destined street, I felt him run his hands up my abdomen once more; Muscles clenching slighty.

To believe that I was going to be the one who takes his virginity terrified me. What if i wasnt any good? 'But come on, lets be honest.. *insert wink*' i thought. What if he didn't enjoy it? God that would be awkward. What if-

"Kevin....we are nearing my house. Maybe we should slow down?"  Edd's soft voice interupted.  I  began to slow down as we approched his house, and when we arrived I turned into his driveway. I kicked down the stand , maybe a little to hard, eagerly. I allowed him to get off first, before dawning my helmet and placing it on the handle bar. I took the other Helmet from him and did the same. As i got off of the bike, I felt my hand being pulled gently towards the front door. He stopped at the porch, messing with the keys to find the correct one to the house. I drew my arms around his waist and  nuzzled my face into his neck. I felt him shiver when i placed my lips to his skin. When he finally found the correct key, he unlocked the door and allowed us to walk inside.

The door shut behind us as we made our way upstairs.  His hand, intertwined in mine, led me to his room. As soon as we entered the overly organized room, I was pushed against the door and a pair of lips were attacking mine. I quickly took control of this kiss, Deepening it, making it less rushed and more sensual. I slowly pushed him backwards, his legs hitting the back of his bed causing him to fall backwards. Our teeth clashed together when we fell. Not as romantic as the movies make it, it's actually more painful. We grabbed our mouths due to the pain. I chuckled slightly, causing him to giggle in return.

" Not as romantic as I thought." I rasped out.  I leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips. He swiftly melted into the kiss. I pulled from the kiss, moving lower to kiss along his jaw until i eventually got to his neck. I nipped at the soft skin. Edd shivered beneath me. I latched onto the spot behind his ear and began to kiss at the heated skin. Nipping, sucking, kissing, was all I did at that certain spot. I could feel Edd's erection pressing against my leg. He began to pull at my shirt, and I knew what he wanted; So who was I to deny this thing of beauty?

 I leaned back onto my heels and pulled off my jacket, my shirt following suit. I watched him stare at me. His blue eyes nearly black with lust. I quickly helped him out of his shirt. I stared at his perfect abdomen. He looked almost girly. He had a slight bit of muscle, but not enough to consider him manly. 'Good God this boy with be the death of me' i thought.

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