Chapter 6

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Kevin watched as his so called 'friends' beat up Edd. It was a heart-wrenching sight, but he couldn't make himself move.

"Kevin! you asshole!" Nat called out.

Even Nat was trying to help. So why couldn't he? He could only stand there and watch. Watch as the guy he had feelings for, were they even feelings?, and his best friend get beat.  He quickly pulled out his phone and called the police. Nat limped away and returned with a metal bat from the cages. "Hey fuck-face! Eat lead!" He screamed as he swung the bat at Josh. Kevin heard the sickening crack as it made contact with Josh's spine. Edd had passed out. He was literally beaten into unconsciousness, and he did nothing.. By then, the police had arrived and detained Rolf and Josh. Good.

"I hope you're fucking happy Kevin." Nat spat as he picked up Edd. He struggled. Kevin tried to help Nat in the best way he could.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"At least let me carry Edd, you are just as hurt as he is!" Kevin argued.

Nat gave in as his leg threatened to give out. Nat placed Edd's limp body into Kevin's arms gently. They both walked in silence as they headed towards the nurse's office.

"What happened boys?!" The nurse asked upon their arrival.

"There was a fight" Nat breathed out. Kevin could tell he was exhausted, obviously.

"Place the boy there, and you, sit here" She said, pointing at Nat. Kevin placed Edd gently onto the cot.

"This shouldn't have happened." He said in a whisper. He didn't know what came over him when he pressed a small chaste kiss upon Edds lips. Nat just stared at him.

'Good, let him stare' his mind thought. God, why is everything so difficult? He wasn't gay, was he?


Girls. Boobs, soft body, long hair, long legs. That cute freckle to the left of his belly button, the silkiest raven colored hair he has ever felt. those icy blue eyes. The nerdy clothes. The beanie..


It seemed so clear to him now. He didn't like Edd, he loved him. Granted he was still curious as to what his sexuality was. But who cares?

"Nat, i'm sorry that i let this happen man. I promise that it will not happen again. Can you forgive me?" He said, voice cracking. He took Edd's beanie off and stroked the dark hair he liked so much.

Nat stared at him. He had never seen Kevin like this. Not even when he was with Naz. He could see the fond in his eyes as he looked down at Edd. He mentally noted how Kevin stroked Double dee's head like this would be the last time he'd see him again.

"Y-yeah man, When he wakes up, i'll- uh- I'll tell em' that you helped me beat them up.  But hey, it was a good thing you called the police. I think i would've killed him, bro." Nat replied.

"I could even puch you in the face, so it'll seem like you actually fought." Nat joked.

"You should man, i deserve it. I just Froze. I wasn't thinking straight. You know what, do it. please."

"What?! i was joking man, i ain't gunna hit you!" Nat said.

"Do it,"


"Do IT"


"Do i-" Kevin was cut off as Nat punched him square in the face.

"See what you made me do! persistant bastard." Nat said. "It did feel good though,"

Kevin sat up, he wiped the blood from his lip. Thanks man.."

"Good times"

"You boys are going to be the death of each other.." The nurse said as she walked towards Edd.

Kevin Took off his leather jacket and placed it over Edd.  "I won't let them hurt you ever again." he whispered. he picked up Edd's small hand and kissed the back of it gently.

"Nat, i'll see you tomorrow okay? I gotta go tell mom about this. Just...Just make sure he gets home safe?" Kevin said.

"Alright bro. Drive carefully. AND STOCK UP ON CONDOMS!I CAN TELL YOUR GUNNA NEED IT" he yelled in reply.

"what the fuck nat.." 

~~~~~20 mins later~~~~

"mom!?, You home?" Kevin called.

"In here!" she called from the office.

"Hey mom, I- uhh- I gotta tell you something.."

"Oooh! let me guess, you like that Eddward boy and your Gay?" she said,

"uh- yes?"

"Oh thats just wonderfu- oh my goodness! what happend to your face!" she said as she turned around.

"Nat punched me in the face because i froze when Edd was being beaten by my 'jock friends' "

"....... You deserved that. Is Edd okay?"

"Yeah mom, hes okay, little worn for wear but. He's okay. and that is all that matters" He said smiling at the ground.

"oooh, you've got it bad my boy" she said drawing him into a hug. "Well, no matter who or what you are, i will still love you."

"Thanks mom, i know this isn't the easiest path, but it is my path."

 "That's my boy, now go shower, dinner is in 15 minutes." She said.



HOLY FUCKING SHIT did i actually post the new chapter? omfg! well, anyway, i hope you enjoyed this, IT IS ONE DAY EARLY but, i love you guys too much to care <3 There will be more my pretties..

Take care


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