chapter 5

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Can i?" Kevin said as he broke the heated kiss.

"s-sure.." Edd replied. Kevin sat up and pulled Edd's jeans off. Edd assisted by lifting his hips up so the removal of the jeans would go easier. Damn skinny jeans! Kevin kissed Edd's lips softly. He pushed Edd's shirt up, revealing soft baby pink nipples and a small, barely visible, patch of dark hair leading into his underwear. He stared at the surprisingly muscular torso. okay, he wasn't ripped but he was pretty muscular for a skinny nerd. He ducked down, bringing his lips to the center of Edd's chest, kissing lightly. He led a trail of soft pecks down to Edd's perky nipples. Kevin sucked on one softly, gaining a small groan from above him. He left the pink mound and began to kiss down towards the waistband of Double D's boxers. Er, they weren't necessarily 'boxers' per say, they more like briefs.

"K-kevin..."Edd pleaded. Kevin smirked. He began to pull down his underwear, dragging them down Edd's long legs. Kevin threw them off of the bed, not caring where they land. He sat back on his heels and gazed at Edd's nakedness. Kevin leaned forward slowly and captured Edd's lips in a heated kiss. He broke this kiss, bringing his hand to the nerds leaking cock. He began stoking upwards, using the pre-come as a makeshift lube. Edd moaned loudly.

'Good thing my parents aren't home.' Kevin thought as he jerked the smaller boy off. His other hand reached towards Edd's hole, circling the rim. The hand that encircled Edd's shaft was quickly stroking. Kevin's finger tips were barely pressing inside Edd's hole. Double D clenched up slightly.

"Kevin! im-Ah,-I'm going to-" Edd was interrupted as he painted his stomach with hot cum. Edd sighed in relief. The whole image was now etched into Kevin's mind, and what a beautiful sight it was. Kevin was painfully hard as this point. He tried to unbutton his jeans but stopped when he heard the slam of a door from downstairs.

"Kevin? Are you home?" His mother called from the stairs.


"Uhm, Yeah!!" he called back.

"Hurry up and get dressed, before she comes up!" Kevin whispered loudly towards Edd. They quickly fought to get their clothes back on. Kevin didn't really have to do much as put his shirt on, but he quickly helped to dress Edd.

~~~moments later~~~

Dressed and cleaned up, Kevin led Edd downstairs.

"Oh, you have a friend?" Kevin's mother said, looking between the two and smirking.

"Oh yeah yeah, he was just leaving though, we were working on our project for chemistry" Kevin replied, attempting to be nonchalant.

"i see... Hi, I'm Linda, and you are?" She held out her hand.

"Hello, my name is Eddward. You can just call me Edd Or Double D" He replied, shaking her hand.

"Welp, That's great, but you see, I have to take Edd here home. So, see you later mom" Kevin said dragging Edd to the door and proceeded to take him home.

"Hehe, I don't think they realize that they swapped shirts. It's cute though." Linda said to herself, shaking her head.

~~the next day~~~

The events that occurred yesterday still visited Edd's mind. Last night, he realized he was wearing Kevin's green shirt instead of his red one. After washing the cloth and folding it neatly, he placed it inside his satchel and walked to the bus stop. Today, he wore his usual attire. Glasses, Hat, knitted vest, white shirt under the vest, you know, the usual. He waited at the bus stop.

"OH MY GOD! Guys, look, shh quiet. look, the nerd just sits there, lonely on the bench. he sits there contemplating his life and where he went wrong." Josh, the usual dick that bullied Edd said. Edd glared at his and his friends.

"Crikey! He's angry! the poor thing isn't strong enough to defend itself though." Josh continued to taunt.

The bus pulled up and the teens at the stop loaded into the bus. Josh made sure to trip the nerd on the steps though.

At the end of the day, Double D set out to find Kevin. Luckily, he found him outside during football practice. Edd went and sat up on the bleachers and waited.

"oh. my. god. Kevin look, your boyfriend is here!" His friend teased.

"He's not my boyfriend bro, Im not a queer!" Kevin argued.

"Why the fuck is the nerd here?" He thought.

After practice ended, Kevin ran up to Edd.

"Why the hell are you here?" He asked coldly.

"Why Kevin, it seems as though our shirts got mixed up and I came here to return yours and hopefully get mine back."

"OH MY GOD! KEVIN BANGED THE NERD!" Josh yelled out.

"I didn't "Bang him" Josh! I'm not fucking gay!" Kevin called back.

"Edd you better leave. Now" he said

"No no, my dearest nerd. I believe we are going to have 'fun' yes?" Josh said slyly.

"I do not understand what you are referring to." Edd said innocently

"Rolf, Hold him down, we outta teach him a 'lesson' on trying to turn one of us gay.." Josh cackled.

"Josh, stop."Kevin warned.

"mmmm, let me think. NO" Josh replied sending his fist into Edd's tummy.

"I think were just getting started."


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