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"such noisy little brat" I heard hyung said while acting that she's cleaning his ear with his pinky finger

"why don't you just get in and I'll explain everything" I said to her and she followed.

she then got on the back seat of the car since hyung was beside me in the front.

When everything was settled I continued on driving.

"so what are you gonna say to me" sana said to me

"well what do you wanna know" I replied

"why is this thi--... I mean person here with you anyway" she asked me

"be careful on what you say" I hear hyung threat her

"yaaaa" I said to stop hyung from speaking "the reason why I am with him is because dad told me to" I said to sana

"what Mr. Jeon said that, but why?" sana asked

"you remember my dad announced that he had a fiance" I said to her

"yeah if I recall it correctly her name was Min Ji Woo her secretary" she said

"well meet her son Min Yoongi" I said to her

"WHATTT?!" sana yelled from the news that she heard

"you heard him I am Min Yoon Gi and I am jungkook's........big brother" he said to sana while looking at me and gave me a light punch on my arm

"I guess you're right" I replied to him and smiled back at him

"let me get this straight, so this guy who was going to cause us trouble the other day is unexpectedly your soon to be brother" sana said

"yup" I replied

"finally catching up are you" I heard hyung said

"hyung stop teasing her will you" I said to hyung

"sure thing kookie anything you want me to do, besides I'm already yours" he said to me and gave me a pinch on my cheeks

I started to feel weird again my heart was beating fast I kept on trying to tell myself to calm down thinking of happy thoughts that this feeling is just normal, I just feel this way because this is my first time having a brother, this is just normal. Is it?

"ya kookie you're face is turning red" I heard sana yelled and she leaned forward to see my face

I just covered my face with my hands "I think it's an allergic reaction to something" I said I forgot I was driving and got my hands off the steering wheels the car went crazy, I managed to get a hold of the steering wheel again but little did I know that yoongi's hands was on top of mine and we glanced at each other's eyes then turning my head back on the road

"that was close" I quickly said to shake off the awkwardness

"yeah that was quite close" hyung said

" can let go of my hand now" I said to him and jerked his hand away from me

"oh yeah sure" hyung said

"what's up with you kookie you seem to out of your mind today, did something happen to you today?" she asked me and I just bit my lip not saying anything I mean how could I? I'm sure she'll freak out when she'll know that hyung kissed my lips for the very first time. I looked at hyung and he just gave me a smirk damn that smirk really looks good on him

"you should really stop asking and let kookie drive" hyung said to him

"ok fine, but you should know I still don't like you though" sana said to hyung

"finally something that we can both agree with" hyung said

After the 15 long minute drive we finally arrived at the mall and done parking the car.

"so hyung what do you wanna buy first?" I asked him

"uhmmm maybe we'll go with pants" he said

"oh okay" I replied

After buying some pants we quickly went straight to the buy some of his clothes

"you really like the color black do you hyung" I said to him

"black is my fashion" he replied

"ok so we're finally done" I said

"not yet" hyung said to me

"what do you mean hyung" I asked

"I still have to buy some underwear or you want us to share yours, anyway you want it's fine by me" he said to me

"yes we should definitely buy you some new underwear" I replied

"okay if you insist" he said

Then we arrived at the underwear section we were looking for what hyung would like.

"uhmm excuse me but do you have any small sized briefs in here" I heard sana say to the sales man and the guys pointed where the stocks are

"hey you kookie's hyung small sized briefs are there" she said to hyung while pointing to where the small sized briefs are

"are you underestimating me right now?I may be short but what I got can me make you feel things you never felt before" he replied

Sana was speechless she didn't even move an inch due to what hyung had said. Then hyung picked up some large sized briefs. I guess hyung is really that big...wait why did I think of that

After purchasing everything hyung wanted we took a short break and grab a snack at subway. After ordering we sat down and ate it was already 4:30 pm no wonder we were hungry.

"I still can't get over the fact that he will be your brother, I mean it's so absurd"

"get over it will you" I heard hyung said and sana kept on making faces

"so where do we go next?" I asked

"my turn you have to come with me to buy some pants and dresses." sana said

"how about you hyung did you forget anything to buy?" I asked him

"nahh I got everything that I wanted" he replied

"so it's settled then we're gonna go with her" I said to hyung

"fine" hyung sighed

Step-Brothers Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora