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"fine" hyung sighed

We went to sana's favorite clothing brand. She began to look around the store and started to pick some dresses that she wanted to try on.

"here hold this" sana said to me while giving me her dresses one after another, she picked up so many dresses that I can't feel my arm already

"ohhh" I groaned and sana looked at me

"are you alright kookie" sana asked me

"yes I am fine sana no need to worry about me" I said to her and she just gave me a worried look, I just smiled back at her to make her not worry about me.

Then I suddenly felt that my arms were light,it was hyung he carried the dresses that were on my arms.

"hyu...hyung?" I was surprised to what hyung did

"if you feel like giving up it's okay to ask help from others, okay kookie" he beamed at me

"su..sure" I said to him

he came close and then leaned forward, he stopped just right in front of me face with just a little gap between our lips

"haaaaaaa" sana squealed

Then hyung's lips turned into a smirk, I was completely frozen I hate it when he does that smirk of his, he then leaned forward to my ear "don't worry kookie I won't do it in public if you don't want to, but if you change your mind I don't have any problem with it either" he whispered to me and I could just feel my face burning up

I pushed him away from me "hyung don't be like that" I said to him

"hmmp kookie it seems that you're having an allergic reaction again" I heard sana said then I covered my already red like tomato face

"I..I..I'm sorry but I'll be heading to the washroom...hyung take care of sana okay" I said I didn't wait for him to respond,I ran as fast as I can

When I arrived at the washroom I quickly went to an empty stall and locked myself up. kookie come on now what's up with you? why are you being like this? this feeling is just nothing it's normal you're just new to it since you just met your new brother.

I went outside to wash my hands and face but I forgot that I don't have my handkerchief with me.

"here use this" a deep voice offered me his to handkerchief and I just accepted it since I can't see clearly because of the water on my eyes.

Once I finished drying up my face the guy was no longer to be found.

So I just kept the handkerchief and keep it safe in my pocket. It smelled good

I went back to where sana and hyung are and once I got there they were already done with shopping.

"are you okay now kookie" sana asked while holding my chin and looking around my face

"yes sana" I said to her then I looked at the hyung at the back he looked like he had a very hard time with sana he had a lot of shopping bags in his hands

"hyung let me help you" I said to him while I get the other bags from his other hand

"finally" I heard him sighed and I just giggled hyung must be really that tired after following sana all around the place

"kookie next time don't just leave me again like that okay" I heard hyun said

"I'm sorry hyung" I beamed

"I'll forgive you this time but if you try to do that again---" he took a step closer to me and whispered "if you do that again I might have to punish you...understood" and I can feel chills sent to my spine.

I took a step back "I understand hyung" I said

I looked at my watch 6:30 pm I didn't realize that it was already night time time flew by really fast

"I think we need to get home now" I said to them and they just nodded as a response

I drove sana back to their house, once she was already in their house I got back to the car and just like before it was very quiet.

"kookie" I heard him say my name

"what is it hyung?" I asked him

"nothing" he said

"what was that" I said to him and he just laughed

We arrived back to our house and carried all the stuff that were on back of the car.

"let me me help you with that young masters" ms jiwon said then she called the other maids to get all of our stuf

"we will bring this back to your room Master yoongi" ms jiwon said

We were about to go upstairs but mom stopped us they were sitting by the dinning table

"kids why don't you sit down dinner is ready" dad said

We came to where they were and sat down with them

We just ate and talked about what we did and checked how are we doing and other things. Mom was smiling all the time like she is about to say something exciting.

"mom what's wrong with you, why are you smiling all the time" hyung said

"should I say it dear" mom said to dad

"sure honey" dad said

"kookie, hyung will be with you all the time now since he will be attending the same academy" mom said

"WHAT?" hyung and I asked

"we enrolled yoongi to your academy kookie so now he'll be with you, he is also a first year college student like you and is in business program like you are,I talked to the head of the academy and said that there won't be any problem since it's still the second week of class" dad said

"so are you happy too dear" mom asked yoongi

"I guess so" hyung answered




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