Chapter 2

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My dorm room is so much warmer than the harsh fall air. I immediately take off some of the layers I am wearing.

Sarah my roommate is still playing with her Xbox play station thingy. How can she possibly play that game for this long.

I flop on my lilac covered bed spread. One of the cool things about dorms is you can see by the room decor just how similar or different the roommates really are.

My side of the room is simple I have a small twin bed with a lilac bed setting. A white book shelf stands in the corner it has every shelf covered with books. Beside my bed is a white dresser with a small lamp placed on the top along with my computer.

Sarah's side of the room also has a twin bed with blue bed setting. She has her video game box set up and she has posters hanging all over her walls. We share a closet it's large so she gets a half and I get the other half.

When Lauren was my roommate we just shared everything and we color coded both sides of the room so it didn't look like to different worlds.

I grab my bag and take out my job application and my binder to do some home work. I decided to do my homework first to just get it out of the way.

I finished all of it in two hours and now I can fill out my application.

I fill out all the normal stuff like my name, date of birth, how would I be an asset to the coffee shop. The application it's self was simple and it went by quickly.

I check my phone after I'm done with everything its only nine twenty. I grab my shower bag and flip flops and go to the communal showers.

I am the only one in the bathroom usually this late at night people are usually sleeping or at a parties. I hang my bag on the hook that's inside of the shower.

I turn the handle and warm water starts pouring out all over my face drenching my hair. I grab my shampoo and start washing my hair the sweet smell of strawberries fills my nose.

I rush through the shower as fast as I can I don't really like the communal bathrooms they remind me of camping don't get me wrong I love to camp but not everyday.

When I walk back into my room Sarah is still in her previous spot playing her game. I grab my pajamas and slip them on under my towel then grab a brush and brush out my wet hair.

I climb into my small bed and turn off my lamp and slowly start dozing off.

I wake from my sleep my phone alarm going off. I quickly slide it off and climb out of my warm comfortable bed to get ready for school.

I tug my blue jeans up my legs and grab a white long sleeve from my side of the closet. I contemplate what I should do with my hair I don't really what to straighten it so I decide to just put it in a sock bun.

I grab my black riding boots and put them on quickly I have fifteen minutes to class and it takes five minutes to walk their.

I take my bag from the floor by my bed and my peacoat and leave my room. The flight of stairs is good exercise but when I reach the door I put my jacket on and hug it around my body.

The air is even colder in the morning. I still can believe its this cold and its only the end of August it's going to be a miserably cold winter.

My fist class is advanced English which I love something about it just drawls me to this subject. I take a empty seat in the back of the class and go over context for this class. The room slowly starts to fill.

All of the seats have been filled now that there is only a minute left of class. I scan the room to see if there is anyone I may know no one stands out. I scan one last time and I spot a curly haired boy. That's the boy who I accidentally bumped into yesterday with the bad attitude.

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