Chapter 3

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I tried as hard as I could to pay attention to what Mrs. Herberry was saying but my eyes kept getting drawn to that boy.

He was wearing a black plain shirt that hugged to him. Tattoos are on his arms and I was trying to see what they were but I couldn't really tell from that far away.

The boy is slumped in his chair he isn't paying any attention to what Mrs. Herberry is saying neither are you my sub conscious adds.

Students get up from there sets and I look up at the clock we still have fifteen minutes of class. I really should have been listening.

"Um do you know where we are going?" I ask a blonde boy who is sitting next to me.

"We are going to the library to get pride and prejudice." He says giving me a genuine smile.

"Thanks um....." I say I don't think I caught his name.

"Niall." He says.

"I'm Millie." I say standing up from my seat he does the same.

"So Millie what year are you?" He asks.

"Um I'm a junior." I state

"I'm a senior." He says "you must be really smart if you're in advanced English and your only a junior." He says.

"No I just love English." I say

We follow the line of students out the door to the library. Niall walks with me as we converse in small chit chat.

I look at the people in front of me trying to find that curly haired boy but there's no sign of him.

The library is one of my favorite places on campus it's my little slice of heaven. I grab a copy of pride and prejudice and stand in line to check it out with Niall.

Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books when I was like twelve I read it and fell completely in love with Mr. Darcy's and Elizabeth's story.

I check out my book and when Niall goes to check his out the librarian says he has books out so she has to print out what they are. Niall waves me to go back to class so I do.

I walk out of the library alone. I'm walking with a couple other students but I have never seen them before. I walk by my self looking down at my feet.

"Your that girl who ran into me yesterday." The smooth voice from yesterday startles me.

"Um yeah." I say looking up into the boys beautiful green eyes.

"You should really not look down at your feet when you walk that's how you run into things and or people." He says. He is talking to me like I'm a child.

"You don't have to talk to me like I'm a child." I say.

"Are you sure you look like you're eleven years old." He says and I scoff at him.

"You have some nerve." I say rolling my eyes at this presumptuous boy.

He doesn't know me what possesses him to think he can talk to me in such an awful manner.

He walks away "Prude." He mumbles under his breath.

I would of denied what he called me or even had a witty comeback but he was already gone before I could.

I sit back in my seat and gather my stuff we only have two minutes left of this class.

The bell rings and I walk out of class. I look down at my feet but I hastily stop that guys voice comes to my head. He is such a jerk.

Yesterday he was rude when I accidentally bumped into him and today he was a complete jerk. I have never meet any one as rude as him.

He is very attractive but his personality just ruined everything even if he is one of the hottest guys I have ever laid eyes on. What are you talking about he is the hottest guy you have ever seen my sub conscious adds.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and walk to my next class trying my best not to think about the green eyed boy.

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