Chapter 20

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I swallow down the bile in my throat and try my best to act like what I saw didn't affect me in any way. The blonde girl that was just kissing Harry is actually really pretty it makes me despise her more.

She has an eyebrow piercing that some people wouldn't be able to pull of but she can. The blonde is really tiny and tall she looks like a model where did this girl wen come from?

"I see Harry is with a different girl." Lauren says.

I force my self to look away from them and focus on my cup that's in front of me. "Every party there is new girl he has." Lauren says.

I chug my drink till there is nothing left in my cup. I want another drink I need to drink till I feel nothing.

"I'm going to go her another drink." I state I'm not sure go I'm talking to.

"I'll come." Zayn says.

I don't argue I just get up and he follows me leaving Lauren on the bleachers. I make another drink and chug it down within seconds.

"How about we go slow on the next one." Zayn says and I nod.

We make another drink and walk back to the bleachers. Harry and the blonde girl are now sitting next to Lauren. I want to walk away but I don't want to give Harry the satisfaction that this could bother me.

I sit down in a step below Lauren, Harry and the blind girl. Zayn sits down by me.

"Hey I'm Zayn." He says introducing him self to the girl that's latched into Harry.

"Hey I'm Ally." She says.

I try not to roll my eyes when she speaks but her voice is annoying. She shouldn't bother me but for some reason she does.

"Millie pay attention Alley just asked you a question." Lauren says taking me from my thoughts.

"Uh sorry what were you saying?" I ask in my fake sweet voice.

"Um I asked you want your name was."

"I'm Millie." I give her a fake smile.

I feel Harry's stair but I will not let him see this affecting me because it doesn't I hate him so there is nothing to be affected by.

I take another drink from my cup and stand up I don't know what I'm still doing here I'm going home. "Where are you going?" Lauren asks.

"Back to my dorm." I say.

I try to walk down the step yes try I stumble an almost fall in my face. "I don't think you should be walking alone." I hear the familiar husky voice. Harry why is he even concern.

"I can walk by my self." I scoff.

"Your drunk for the first time ever you can't walk by your self." Harry says.

"Harry's right Millie I will walk with you." Lauren says.

Harry's jaw clenches and it looks like he might say something but he stays quite. I nod and Lauren gets up and walks with me.

Lauren hooks her arm around mine and we walk off the field. I feel nauseas all of a sudden I'm starting to regret drinking so much.

Part of me wants to go back to the party and yell at Harry and tell him how much he disgust me and that I hate him. But I don't have the nerve not even with the liquid courage running through my veins.

Lauren dropped me off at my dorm and left I wonder if she is going back to the party. I climb into my bed without changing I'm to tired and to drunk to do any of that right now.

My bed feels so warm and comfy as I snuggle into my pillow. I think of Harry as I fall asleep but I quickly change to think about anything else than him. I want to sleep tonight and I won't if he is on my mind.

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